Sunday, March 23, 2025

March Wk 3- Spring Break Edition!

Here's the weekly recap for March Wk 3!!! It's Spring Break! Wahoo!! and to start our Spring Break off it was St. Patty's Day!! I love St. Patty's day!! Love all the green! Love the 4 leaf clovers! Love my 3 lucky charms!! Love the little leprechaun that comes and dies all the toilets green and our milk! lol The little leprechaun brought my 3 lucky charms each a little surprise! and tons of Chocolate Gold Coins! Yayyy! Such a fun day!! It was also my bestie Shayla's baby Ollie's Birthday too so we all went to the park to play and celebrate Ollie!!! Loved seeing everyone in Green! Get your green On! lol Pizza Cupcakes! Yessss please! It was a bit windy and chilly but that doesn't stop us from having all the fun!
For the rest of Monday- St. Patty's Day! We picked up Mav to hang with us! I also spring cleaned Piper's bedroom with Penny and Preslee! 19 bags later! We did it! Got her room all organized, dejunked and looking good! The big girls were such a great help! It's so overwhelming to do this sort of thing and with their help we got Piper's bedroom done and the kids bathroom in the hall! Yayaya! I packed the Tesla full and dropped all the bags off to Chad's Cousin! She was so grateful and so excited! I was so happy to give all those bags to happy home! Yayyyyy! To end the rest of the afternoon and into the night Penny had all her friends over! Love these teens! Such an awesome group of friends!
Tuesday for Piper! Grandma DeeDee invited Piper over to play! Breakfast and Lunch! Crafts! Painting! Slime Making! Crazy Makeup! Making Movies! Even got to wrestle and giggle on Grandma's bed! Came home with a bag full of toys! Piper had the best day! Cousin time is the best time! and being with Grandma is the best too!
Penny's Tuesday! Back over to get Mav! We love having Mav with us and so do all of Penny's friends! but before friend hang out I took the Penny and Mav shopping at the mall! We had a blast and wore ourselves out! lol Then hang out time back at our house! This was the 5 day in a row with back to back hang outs at our house! and we had Mav with us most those days! Yessss! We love spring break! No school! lol
Cash's Tuesday! Up early to train in the gym! He loves playing basketball and training with the best coach ever! Then it was off to Janie's house to hang with her and their friends! They had a great day! In and Out for lunch! Walked to Starbucks for drinks and treats! Park fun! and watched a movie! I put Honz in this collage too! On Tuesday he got to support Nathan as he went through the Temple for the first time! Honz had such a wonderful time being with his aunts and uncles and seeing the biggest smile on Nathan's  face! We are So proud of Nathan!
Wednesday! Cash back grinding on the court and had his golf lesson! lol He stays busy with all his sports! lol Worked on note cards to surprise Cashy for his sbac tests coming up! and cutest Ruby ever! lover her riding in my car all wk! My little side kick!
Thursday! We headed to St George to get out of town for a few days! We met up with Bestie Shayla and family the first day! We hikes! Yes you read that right! I hiked! lol It was more of s stroll not a hard hike thankfully! lol It was beautiful! We all had a blast! The weather was prefect! 
We absolutely love the Helsabeck's! We always have the best times together and hiking was so much fun with them! We couldn't stop taking pics as you can see! lol and I love finding the selfies on my kids phones too! That's the best!
The hiked down into the lava tubes! They loved it! I love any time with my Bestie! Thanks for inviting us along! We enjoyed the lovely hike and dinner with them! 
After the hike....we had to get Swig! lol Then we got unloaded and settled at my friends house! The Utah Facers! :) We have the best time with this amazing family too! So grateful for their hospitality and letting us crash at their house while we were playing in St George! Then it was off to get lunch and shop! Wahoo! We found Penny's bestie Kaycee working at the mall at Al's! We completely surprised her and we all loved it! It was so fun to see her!!
Friday! Got ready for the day and headed out to find more stores to shop! lol We were just killing time until Eryka and her family were off work and out of school! We Took Zorin with us shopping and had a blast! The mall so tiny but that doesn't stop us from finding stuff to buy! hahaha! 
Erykaaaaaa and family! Yayyyyy! We were so  happy to be able to see them! My littles obsess over these cousins so it was amazing to get them together to play! We of course ate at Paula's Mexican restaurant on the hill! It's one of the best places Eryka and I always go together to eat at! Then we just went back to her house to catch up and play! We had a wonderful time together! The kids played non stop! It was so much fun! Before we got to Eryka's we stopped by mommy and daddy's grave to wish daddy/grandpa John Happy Birthday! We took a pic and sang Happy Birthday to him! We love and miss them both so much! The kids loved singing to Grandpa John! 
Saturday! Lunch with Cambria and her girls at 7 Brothers! So freakn delicious! Then over to surprise favorite cousin Angela and Alan! We love seeing them and catching up! Then the pic of Cashy filling up my gas tank! Sweet boy! Daddy was telling Cashy before we left out of town that he needed to take of me! He was "the man" on this trip! So that meant Cashy had to pump my gas since he was "the man!" lol Love it! He took this job very seriously and made sure I was well taken care of! Love my little man!!! He is just the best! My Honz didn't get to come with us on our quick trip but he would send us selfies of him at work with Ruby! lol Those 2 missed me so they bonded! lol Thanks Honz for making everything possible for your little family! 
We headed back home Saturday! Penny of course already had plans set to hang with her friends! This time at Hannah's horse property! They had a blast! From horse back riding! To bomb fire! To making smores! To playing all sorts of yard games! To even riding a quad doing donuts and racing! She had the best night! So much fun living her best life with her favorite peeps!! Side note- one of Penny's friends, James surprised Cash with a Lacrosse stick, gloves, ball and pads! It made Cash's night! Cash has been talking to James about wanting to get into Lacrosse and James being so amazing surprised him with all the things! Love it! James is the best! He truly made Cash the happiest! Cash has not stopped playing with it either! In fact All of Penny's friends are so sweet to Cash! He loves it an completely looks up to these boys! Thank you buys for being so awesome and loving my boy!
Sunday Fun-day!!! It was Cheetah family day! lol We all matched! :) Penny teamed taught  the lesson in YW with Lala! She was a bit nervous but did amazing! So proud of my girl! Piper got her baptism certificate and was so proud of it! Cashy passing the sacrament and doing amazing! Love my babies! Can't believe Spring break  is coming to an end! We had such a wonderful and eventful wk of fun! It's hard to go back when you're having too much fun! hahaha but that's my weekly recap for March wk 3- Spring Break edition! 


Tuesday, March 18, 2025

March Wk 2 Fun!

Here's the weekly recap for March Wk 2!! Can't believe another week has come and gone! Sadly I was sick most of the wk but that doesn't stop me from moving and shaking! Honz working on  his furniture pallets day in and day out! He's been so busy with that process! Cute bestie selfie at the lunch table for Cash! Took my staff besties St Patty's days donuts on Friday! These donuts were super fun in all different shapes and décor for St Patty's day! My cutest Ruby- fur baby!! My emotional support when I was down and out the beginning of the wk sick! lol Love my fur baby!
Aggies are blooming!!! Penny's been working hard in Stuco! Planning and then dressing up for Spirit wk! Many late days getting ready for their spring assembly too! Can't believe we are ending 3rd quarter and going into the last 1uarter of her freshman year! How did that go so fast! Wow! Penny has also been having a ton of fun going to the Arbor Volleyball games! and even a surprise visit from Kaycee from Utah! Yayyyy!
Wrapping up all the school team sports!! Cash had his School Comp Basketball Banquette! He was the Captain  on the team for the 2nd year in a row! They had an amazing season! So proud of my Eagles! Can't believe this is his last year playing for elementary! He will be in Middle School very soon! Can't believe it! His plan is to continue training all summer long to get ready for middle school ball!  Also  some pics of him headed off to golf practice! He is still doing his private lessons and loving it!
Another team sport wrapped up for the year!!! Piper had her End of Basketball Season- Cheer Banquette! She has absolutely loved being on the cheer team this year! She even got a trophy with her name on it and was beyond excited for that!! She loves that her gymnastics and tumbling can be incorporated with cheer! Yayyy! Thanks to all the coaches for an amazing season! She's also had her bestie from St George visiting all wk! These 2 non stopped played for days and sleep overs all wk long! They get a long so good and there's never any girl  drama between these 2 which makes it so amazing! Piper sure loved having Kins in town all wk long!
Penny and her peeps! She's had several Permanent Bracelet appt this past wk! She sched and booked all them! Yayyyy! She literally had an apt or 3 every other day this wk! It's starting to warm up! So your wrists and ankles will start seeing the Sun!!! So the time is now to get yourself sched with Penny for all your permanent jewelry needs! lol She's also had a few nail apts too! Love my little self motivated  business owner worker bee! Mama is proud of you! and of course weekend hang outs with her favorite Baddie Owen! He brings that Smile even bigger to her face! Love to see her so happy with him! Such a blast having the Utah besties in town to hang out with her friend group too! She also got invited to a Homie Home evening with her other awesome friend group! So Penny is being Penny! Hoping from one hang out to another! Loving and living her best life!
We even snuck in an Eddies at 11 with Ryan and snagged up Mav for the day!!! It was the best! and the Utah Besties loved hanging with Mav too! Cash had blast with Z and Ro all wk too! Love when the Utah Bestie Facers are in town to play! 
Here's Saturday with Mav over and Penny's friend group! They pulled up to the church dance for a hot 20 min and left to come back to our house to watch scary movies and hot tub! It was Western theme at the church dance! This group of teens have so much fun! It really doesn't matter what they do they are always laughing, chatting and having the best time! Amazing group of kids and all Smiles! 
Fun pics sent over from Cash's YM this wk! They went mini golfing at Angel Park!! Cash loved it! Also while the Utah Facers were in town they helped Cash put together an outdoor swing to sit over by the spa! They spent hrs putting this together! They worked so good together with no fighting lol! and completed this master piece! Wahoo I love it! It turned out amazing! Thank you boys so much! A much needed task to be done for a while now! I'm so happy they put it together for me! It's perfect!
Sunday Fun-day all decked out in our GREEN!!! St Patty's day was the very next day! So it was a must we were all in our green at church!! Cash did an amazing job passing the Sacrament as always! So proud of him! He loves doing it too so much! He's my church highlight every wk! Love watching him!
Well there's my weekly recap for March wk 2!!! We are onto Spring Break! Wahoo! So excited to have a wk off! Let's gooooo!


Sunday, March 9, 2025

March Wk 1 Fun!

Weekly recap!! Here's the 1st wk of March! It was a busy fun wk as always! At work and school it was Nevada Reading wk so we had a dress up wk!! I did a collage for each dress up day this wk! The theme for the wk was Color our Wolrd with reading! Monday was bloom in  color!! So the the kids wore as much color as they could! For the staff it was weat Golden Knights! So of course I was decked out in all my Golden Knights gear! We had a surprise guest reader assembly! The Golden Knights came! They were our suprise guest reader assembly! The kids were so hyped! It was awesome! Go Knights Go! Kicking Nevada Reading Week off with a bang!
Tuesday was Twin Day! Piper was a part of 2 different groups matching! :) She matched her bestie girl gang and her bestie boy Gio and friends! Such a fun day! She absolutely loved matching both fun groups! 
We were out late shopping for Cash to be able to match his besties! lol These girls think he is just the funniest! Always down for the plan! They even brought 2 extra hair ties to do his hair to match theirs! hahaha So freakn fun and awesome! The best part about  Cash is he doesn't care what his peers think of him! He's alwasy ready to have fun! He had a great twin day!
Here's me! Twinning with my work bestie! We all got matching bestie shirts for twin  day! Had the best day twinning with my friends! We have the best time together! Work is the best!
Wed was wear word day! So wear as many words as you can! Didn't do very good at getting pics on this day! hahaha So this collage has what we did that day! Took Piper's riends home with us to get them to gymnastics and then cheer! Cash had is golf lesson! Honz went golf for his bff Kip's birthday! It was a great hump day! 
Thursday- dress like a book character! Cash was Davey Crocket! Piper was V from Spy Ninjas! We even had another fun assembly! Mystery readers from the galaxy! Chewy and a couple Jedi's came to read! The kids loved it! I was able to snag class pics of both my kids classes with the mystery readers! Amazing! 
My sped team all dressed in Reading Rainbow shirts! Love my team of peeps! We work good together! It really is the best!
Fri-yay! Dress as a vocab word! lol Well we sure did! We were "Social Butterflies!" It was awesome!  Everyone loved it! Such a creative idea thanks to Christina! We had fun being butterflies! lol
Also this week....over at Arbor View! Penny campaigned all week for Sophomore Class Vice President! She is currently Freshman Class Vice President and it's already election time for next year! She designed her poster! It's turned out Perfect! Love her play on of her Name PENNY!!! "A vote for Penny makes prefect cents!" lol and she added the cute Penny's to her flyer too to add the perfect touch! She passed out flyers all wk and hang a ton up! Daddy made her a couple shirts to wear on the actual voting days! She worked hard all wk putting herself out there! She ran against one of her friends too! In the end she sadly did not win! :( She was a bummed out but doesn't let too much effect her and ready to push forward! I think my mama heart was more sad then her! lol We are extremely proud of our Penny for being Brave and running! For putting herself out there to all her peers! She is a leader no matter what! She automatically gets a seat in student council which is all she wanted in the end was to still be a part of stuco! She has absolutely loved being in stuco this freshman year and ready to continue on for her Sophomore year! We love you Penny! We are always so proud of you!
School Volleyball games! Weekend hang outs! Youth Conference! Penny always has a packed filled wk of adventures! She had the best time at Youth Conference! Just what she needed to lift her up! Bro Brad Wilcox from the General Young Mens Presidency came and spoke to the youth! Penny reports he was amazing! The spirit was strong! Yay! Wished I could have been there to hear him speak! Wow! A chance of lifetime! Totally cool! So blessed Penny was able to be apart of it! She had so much fun meeting friends at the school volleyball games! and of course her weekend hang outs with Baddie Owen and friends are always the #1 highlight of the week! lol
Piper and I got to go to a surprise birthday party for Charlee and Collby! Yayyyy! Piper had a blast with her besties! I had a blast too with the adult besties! lol Taco truck and great laughs! Such a fun night!!!
Young Mens for Cash!!! He is loving being apart of the young mens program! Visited and toured a Fire station! and another night he had a Nerf War activity! So much fun! Piper is loving being old enough to go to activity days! She loves being with all the cute girls' her age from the ward! This wk they made tissue paper decorating small glass jars! She loved it! She loves doing crafts too! Thank to all the amazing leaders! 
Finally got Ruby into the groomers! lol Look how precious she is! Neighbor besties popping over to hang! and Cash's fun hang out with Janie and her sisters friends! Now that's a weekly recap wrap!  lol We had a lot going on that's for sure! What will this upcoming wk bring! lol 


Friday, March 7, 2025

Cash's Wax Museum!

Oh what a night!!! This was the funnest school project Cash has done yet!!! The 5th grade puts on a wax museum during the Academic Night at the school! The students get to pick their figure! Research and write about the figure! Then create a tri fold display and a 1 min speech about your figure! The last key piece is dress like your figure and come ready to present at Academic Night! Well Cash was sure ready! Any guesses who Cash picked for his wax museum figure?!? hahaha You guessed it Donald J  Trump! We decked him  out head to toe! I even put makeup on him - Orange color to be exact so he could look just like him! hahaha New blue suit! Cherry Red tie! Diamond Trump pin! Red "Make America Great Again" hat! Orange face! hahaha He was set and ready to perform! As watchers we would clap to wake up the Wax figure! So we would clap...Cash started his speech with a song clip! lol Then said his speech packed with all the amazing things about Trump and then end with a dance! He was an absolute hit! He loves the spotlight and knocked it out of the park! Best Academic Night ever!
Cashy is an absolute hoot! So freakn funny! He took his figure very serious! hahaha! He's too funny! His tri fold display turned out amazing too! So proud of my boy! and Cash was sure proud to be Donald Trump! hahaha
Cash was the star! lol All wanted a pic with Donald Trump! He literally had the best night as Trump! So fun!
Can't forget his besties! They all did an awesome job as each of their wax  museum figures! Way to go!
I had a blast walking around and clapping for my 5th graders! So proud of all of them! Way to go 5th grade! Didn't see much of Piper all night! She had a blast going from room to room doing each of the different activities put on by each grade level! Penny also volunteered up at the book fair up in the art room! She loved it! We were all busy with a packed filled fun night! Academic Night success! and 5th grade Wax Museum Success! Cash as Trump success! :)


Wednesday, March 5, 2025

February Wk 4 Fun!!

Weekly recap! Can't believe this is the last wk of February! So crazy how these months go by! We kicked off the wk with basketball playoffs! Wahoo! Go Eagles! This is the 1st time Cash's school  team has made it to the playoffs! They didn't get the win by they fought to the end! It was fun to watch Cash hustle and play hard! He had a great season! Piper's team even got to cheer for him at the play off game too! So that was so fun to have little sis out there chanting those cheers! Love my little Eagles!
Action shots of Cashy moving that ball! He had a great game individually! Always so proud of my boy out there! 
Cousins cheering on cousins! That's the best! Love these sweet bestie cousins! Penny even got to see her 6th grade math teacher! We love Mrs.Robinson! She is the best!
After the game we went to one our fave pizze places with Jake, Bre and bestie cousins! We had a great night eating and catching up!
Sun tanning for Ruby on our new fluffy grass! lol She loves it out there! Cashy loves the new grass too! lol Cashy weekly golf! He loves and recently got moved up to the advanced golf lesson! Wahoo! Bff's over to hang and Piper being Piper! Always in a weird position just chilling! hahaha
School Fun and book fair! We love when it's book fair time! Best week ever! lol
More bestie carline pics! and Friday was Rocking 120 days of school! So we came as cool Rock Stars! lol So much fun! Love these amazing ladies I work with! 
Penny's pick up  car selfies! She had no school Tuesday and of course made sure she was with her Baddie Owen and friends! Cousin B came and picked her up and took her to get a treat! She was so excited! He recently got his license! Love that he came to get her and take her for a drive! Penny also volunteered at my school to work the Book Fair everyday after her school! So instead of me taking her home she came back with me to my school and would work until 4:30 everyday! Sweet Penny! She loves the book fair just like all of us and had such a great time! The ladies working with her of course loved her and it was so fun for Penny to see and visit with her old favorite teachers! Thanks Penny for volunteering all week! You're amazing!
When the weekend hit we headed to Cedar! For a family Temple day on Saturday! We stayed with Chad's dad Jeff aka Gramps and had an amazing time! Jake and Bre family stayed at Gramp's house too! So it was a cousin party! hahaha The kids loved slumbering with their bestie cousins!
Family Temple Day! It was Grandpa Bulloch's wedding anniversary with Grandma so we celebrated families can be together forever! The kids did baptisms and then the adults did a session! It was a beautiful family temple day together! 
After the temple we headed back to Chad's dad's house where Jeff put on  a delicious luncheon for all! We had a huge group of family over and we ate like Kings and Queens! Gramps sure know how to cook! Delicious food! All around lovley day catching up! Thanks Gramps for hosting us all weekend! We sure love you and the times we share with you! 
We came home to Sunday Fun-day! Church lessons, passing sacrament and stake meetings! Its been a great week! A wonderful wk to end the month!