Our Happy! Happy Pretty Girl just turned 10mons old!! We can't believe it! She is getting even more fun the older she gets!! She has got the best little personality ever! Still just loving the camera!! We can't get her to stop talking! (don't know what she's saying but she's telling us big stories and adding in all the facial expressions too! haha) We love it! She just cracks us up! She's a speedy little crawler, pulls herself right up to stand and NOW has been walking along our couch or anything! She loves her BABY STROLLER that she can push while walking! We can't believe how big she's getting! She is just busy, busy and very curious!!
We are so Happy because she finally has grown out of her acid reflux! Whoo-hoo! No more medicine for that! Poor thing! And cross your fingers because she has been doing amazing with her food allergy! We have been able to introduce more soy into her diet and her little body has been excepting it! YEAH!!! We hope by 1yr she should be fully grown out of all her little allergies! We sure hope so!
Everyday We are so PROUD! WE LOVE you SWEET Little P!!!!!