Look who had a Birthday!!! Happy 7th Birthday Pretty Penny! Can't believe my #1 is already 7! Where has the time gone by! She is such a wonderful daughter! She's a leader, a helper, a good friend, sassy but sweet, loving, courageous, happy, outgoing personality, honest, chooses the right, and always kind! We are so lucky she was sent to our home! Such a sweet spirit! She makes us proud every day!
For her 7th Birthday this year we took a family trip to Otter Creek to go fishing! She loved being around her cousins on her Birthday! She had such a fun day and weekend! She got to open presents through out the whole day leading up to her big birthday surprises! She picked out her musical note cake because she said it reminded her of Grandma Penny in Heaven! Penny is so special she is always thinking and talking about her Grandma Penny in heaven! She has never met her on earth but I strongly believe that my mom, Grandma Penny watched over her and took care of her while in Heaven!
Chad sure had fun taking the kids fishing! He rented a boat for the weekend while we were up there to fish from! He took the kids and cousins so many times out on the boat!! and So many fish were caught this weekend! You would drop your pole in and a fish would be biting at your line! So fun!! The kids had a blast! Thanks to all who made our Penny girl feel so special on her Birthday! 7 years old never Looked so Good! We love you Big Girl! You are beautiful inside and out!