Best weekend of our lives! Oh how we love the Logandale Fair and Rodeo! This was Chad and I 10th year going together! We love our tradition and making memories for our kids!
Yee-Haw! I love my little cowgirls and cowboy! The cutest! They love getting all dressed up in their western gear! I'm obsessed with them!
Day 1- Fun times at the Fair and seeing the farm animals!
Carnival time! Eryka and her family came for Friday and spent the whole day and even came with us to the Rodeo! The kids had a blast hitting up all the rides and playing the carnival games!
Rodeo fun! We loved having Eryka's family with us! The kids loved the animals and the loud music! Especially Piper and Eryka's baby Fenix! They were dancing and screaming! We had a blast! We all loved hearing the announcer talk about American Stitch before the horse riding and bull riding would come out of the bucking chute! It's been a long time goal and dream of Chad's to have our American Stitch be a sponsor at the Fair and Rodeo and to be a bucking chute sponsor! Best day ever! After the rodeo! We went back over to the carnival and of course shut that place down! Love it!
Day 2- Fair! Love my Sweet Penny Pie!! She's growing up and it hurts mt heart! She's truly beautiful inside and out!
My boy! Mr. Cash man with no fear! He's into style! Loves clothes, shoes and hats! Son you're looking on! lol! He's only 5! lol
Miss. Sassy pants! Little Piper rules the roost! She's fun loving and full of personality! She's talking so big! We are just loving everything she does! She's totally spoiled and gets away with doing just about anything! lol! Love her sweetest face!
We just can't get enough of these 3! They make my heart burst! I seriously can't handle the cuteness of these pics! omg!! Obsessed!
Just loving the fair!
The highlight of our Saturday was Cash mutton bustin!! Yep that's him riding a sheep! He lasted about as long as he did last year which was about 4sec but this sheep was a big momma! lol and the day before he played a carnival game a won a basketball. While playing and bouncing the ball the ball hit off my stroller and came back and jammed his pinkie finger! We didn't even notice until later that night when washing his hands that it was black blue and purple, swollen and he couldn't bend it! So with that said I don't think that help when he went to hold on to the big sheep to get the grip with that hand wasn't strong enough to hold on tight enough! We were all still so proud of him! He was so excited! He won a shirt, poster and $5! He said next year when he rides he'll be 6yrs old and so much stronger! lol! So I guess he's doing it next year! It's really so much fun to watch! Thanks to all that came out and sat in the hot sun to watch our fearless Cash ride!

Night 2 at the Rodeo! We love the Rodeo! Along with being with my brother and family we had a great day with Chad's aunt and uncle Erin, Troy and Reese and they came to the rodeo too! It was their first time at the rodeo! and once again we loved hearing the announcer say "American Stitch" all night long! I'm so proud of my honz and his goal setting and dedication he has for his business and family! We love you honz! You're truly making dreams come true! Another wonderful fair and rodeo weekend in the books! 10 years down of tradition and memories! Can't wait to keep making more out here!