Day1: Friday-Leaving LA- At Sea! We are off! Christmas Cruising here we come! We left Dec 23rd-30th! 1st time we have ever had Christmas day away from our home! We enjoyed the Mexican Rivera out of Long Beach, CA on the Norwegian Joy! My brother Ryan's family came with us! We love traveling together! Holy Moly we had the most amazing time ever! We made lasting memories! We all loved cruising! Brace yourself I took over 900 photos! Made 56 collages of our wonderful cruise! So here we begin! Top collage is arriving to Long Beach! Getting checked into the cruise! When checking in they had updated our Chad and I rooms closer together! Yes we had 2 rooms because we have a total of 5 and when we book all the 5 person rooms were all booked! So we went with 2 staterooms! They ended up being right across the hall from each other on Deck 12! The boys stayed in 1 room and the girls stayed in the other! It was so much fun! Ryan and his family had a balcony on the other end of the ship Deck 8! Because of the room change we had no key cards so we got escorted on the ship to receive our key cards! Platinum, Diamond, Sapphire, Ruby status! lol At least that was the escort shuttle bus they put us on! lol

Getting on the Ship! We headed straight for the garden café! Our rooms weren't ready so we better just start off by eating! lol Yummy food all day and week long! lol
We explored the ship! IT was all decked out in Christmas! Gingerbread house display was on point! Tons of Christmas Trees all over!! Found our rooms! :)
Kicked it off with my 1st Pina colada! We freaking has so many of these! lol! We got Penny the juice card! She was our waitress all week with Pina colada, Strawberry daiquiri, Mud slides, Miami Vice, and Coke! Of course all virgin! lol Best package ever! The Juice Package! Comes with soda too! We were living our best drink life that's for sure! lol
1st Sunset of many!! We had just started to pull out of port! We were on our way! 2 days at sea until our 1st stop!
Dinner time! We loved going to the sit down dinner each night! Such amazing food! After dinner we explored more of the ship! Got our game plan and off to bed to get settled in! Us girls then ordered room service! lol Because why not! I had so much fun with my cute girls all week! Penny was loving the room service! She ordered several different items! lol Too much fun!
Day 2: Saturday- At Sea! Christmas Eve! We had breakfast on Deck 15! The observation deck! It was so beautiful! So many glass windows to just sit in front of and enjoy the beautiful sight! Then more exploring! Penny had that ship down! We would just ask her where to go and she knew it! lol
After breakfast we stopped in to see Ryan's balcony suit! It was a beautiful sight! These pics are taken right from their balcony! So awesome! I also brought a present each day leading up to Christmas and on Christmas for all the kids! Matching hoodies and button down Hawaiian tees! The all loved it! Chad also made 2 different graphic tees for all of us! We wore one Christmas Eve and the other Christmas day!
We spent most our at Sea days on deck 16! The pool deck! The music was great! Fun activities! Swimming! Tanning! and Ping pong! Deck 16 was also the buffet café deck! So we were close to our eating! lol and Ice cream cones! I'm pretty sure Cash had 100 cones total for the wk! lol He was living his best life for sure! Played Bingo too! Love Bingo!
At sea and loving our life!
More ping pong! That's where we would find Cash! It was there or at the ice cream machine! lol Miniature Golf on the ship too!
Dinner time! We all wore our shirts! Merry Cruismas! lol After dinner we went to an adult comedy show! lol We checked the littles into the kiddy land while we were at the show! Piper loved it! Begged to go back everyday all day long! lol Cash liked it but ended up hanging out with Penny Mav and Chance the rest of the trip! He felt like he was too big for it! lol Piper and I both loved checking her right in all wk long! lol It was the best!
Day 3: Sunday- Our first port! Cabo! Christmas Day! Merry Christmas everyone! The ship was full of Christmas magic and cheer! Santa was there! lol They kids got to see Santa and his elves! He gave them each a present! Color changing Sunglasses for Penny and Cash and a little stuffed animal for Piper! They were so excited!
Breakfast at the garden café! We sat in the observation deck and watched as our ship came into Cabo! That was so cool! The kids loved the towel animals that our little maid would do each day! They saved them everyday! It was the best! So creative! My Piper would get so excited to see our room all made up to see what animal she created! The joy on my kids faces all week long was priceless! :)
Lounging on Deck 16 waiting to get off the ship to Cabo! Piper in these pics! Bikini, Sunnies and Ice cream! :) Love her so much!
We got off the ship and got on a shuttle boat into Cabo! Quite the experience! Loved it! The kids were hyped! As soon as we were off we were bombarded with all the people getting us to go with them for their excursions! It was alot! lol We ended up taking a private boat around the front of Cabo! Then he dropped us off at Lover's and Divorce Beach! He was an awesome tour guide! We loved it!
On our boat tour! Cabo was so beautiful! Warm water! Sun a shining!
We enjoyed the Lovers and Divorce beach all day! The waves were huge on the Divorce beach side! That's the Pacific Ocean side! Lover's beach is the small waves! The kids, Ryan and Chad had a blast in the huge waves! Empanadas on the beach! It was amazing! Never had that happen to me sitting on a beach before! lol So fresh too! The kids had a blast! Piper looked for seashells all day! Cash climbed the huge rocks and cliffs!
More pics on the Beach in Cabo!
We got off our private boat ride and hot the town running! lol We so did not know what we were doing! This guy puts an iguana on Cash with a tiny sombrero and while I'm taking pics of him I turn around and a lady has Piper sitting and braiding her hair! lol Totally a set up and we fell for the trap! But the lady was fast braiding her hair and it turned out amazing! It was the best thing we have ever done for her hair all week! I didn't have to do a thing to it! So awesome! Plus I have always wanted to get the girls hair braided like this when traveling! Penny didn't want hers done but Piper loved it! Such a fun and crazy experience!
Back on the ship and sailed away from Cabo! We enjoyed the Footloose show and the garden Café for dinner! Such an amazing day! This day being Christmas we wore our Family Christmas Cruise Tees Honz made for us! :)
Day 4: Monday- Port #2- Puerto Vallarta! We enjoyed breakfast together! Matchy! Matchy! Oh and our favorite Washy! Washy guy! Every time you entered the garden café and dinner restaurants they would have you wash your hands! This was our favorite guy in the pic with Cash! He would sing to us as we entered the café -Washing hand songs! lol Then end the song with Washy! Washy! In a really high pitched voice! The kids loved him! He was calling Cash his best friend all wk! lol
Waiting to arrive in Port! So Deck 16 was where we were! Ping Pong and Pina Coladas while we waited! That's not so bad! lol
Lounging, tanning, drinking and eating was the name of the game! lol
We got off the ship and were in Puerto Vallarta! Of course bombarded with all the guys getting us to get in their vehicle! lol We chose out guy and piled into his van! He took us on the longest drive around the city up in the mountains to go Zip Lining! Piper fell asleep on the long car ride! little cat nap for her! lol We were so excited to go zip lining! Wahoo! He took us where they filled the movie Predator! We literally zipped lined through the beautiful green jungle! Waterfalls around us too!
We made it! The Predator Zip lining adventure! Even Piper got to go! She was not scared at all! In fact both my girls were not scared! My Cashy was a little nervous clipping in but got the hang of it and had a blast! My girls zipped through the jungle and never looked back! Honz and I flew through that jungle! lol! My brother's line was smoking he was moving so fast! lol Seriously so much fun! The most amazing fun experience!
So beautful! So much fun! So glad we zip lined! Such a crazy adventure!
Then our driver took us to a yummy taco restaurant with a beautiful waterfall and spring right next to us! It was unreal! The beautiful sound of nature as we ate yummy food! Doesn't get any better than that!
Right before we got back on the ship we shopped! They had a great flea market right at port! So much fun! I love the shopping! Beautiful hand made pieces for great prices!
Back in the ship and sailed away from Puerto Vallarta! We enjoyed an amazing acrobat show called Duo Delight! Dinner at the garden café! Kids loving their towel animals! Another perfect great day!
Day 5: Tuesday- Port #3- Mazatlán! This was an early morning! We were at port and off the ship by 7am! We watched the sunrise eating breakfast at the garden café! Here we go again! Getting bombarded right when you get off the ship! But we have this down now! lol Honz got us the best price for a ride to the Golden Beach of Mazatlán! lol He took us to a beautiful beach! The chairs and umbrellas were all included! That's what I'm talking about! lol
The water was warm! The sun was shining! Perfect day for a relaxing beach day!
Honz ordered us the most amazing chips and guacamole! We laid around and ate! lol Piper searched for beautiful sea shells all day! Cash was in and out of the water and played football with the big boys! Penny had a photoshoot on the beach! lol
Penny's amazing photo shoot! lol! Honz with his yummy food! The food in Mazatlán was the best!
I enjoyed watching the kids play! Eat and shop the ladies that walked by with their handmade bracelets, anklets, earrings, rings, and dresses'! Honestly anything you can think of they were walking along the beach selling! The kids all got a custom name braclet! Loved watching her make it! Fast and amazing!
Ate some more! The best tacos! Chad loved the Mexican cokes too!
We had the cutest lady tag along with us to the Golden Beach! Her name was Joana! She was so sweet! You can see a pic of her with Chance in this collage! She came on the cruise with her sister and her sister didn't want to get off the ship so she was by herself and joined us to keep her company all day! lol She was great company too! The kids loved her!
Headed back to the ship we road in the cutest little cars with the best stereo systems! lol It was so much fun! The kids absolutely loved it! Nothing like taking in the whole fun experience of Mazatlán! Wind in your hair! Beautiful sights as you drive through the town!
Back on the ship we went to the dinner restaurant! After dinner we watched the Beatles Story Show! It was so much fun! I sang every song! lol Love the Beatles! Reminds me of my dad! He loved them! The 3 big kids played card games while were at the show! They had a blast! The 3 amigos! lol Another great day and already more than half way through our wk! Sad the time is going by to fast!! lol
Day 6: Wednesday- At Sea! We are back at sea! We ate at the 50's dinner for breakfast! The tables were cars! lol The kids thought that was so cool! lol
We laid around on Deck 16! Played lots of fun board and card games! Honz and Chance when on a crazy slide ride! So fast they said! lol
Bingo time! More eating and playing!
Dinner time already! We ate at the resturant for dinner! We got to see our bff Washy! Washy!
After dinner we went to another adult comedy show! Checked Piper into kiddy land! She went in a running! Loved it in there! When we picked her up she had fallen asleep playing! We had been on the go for 6 days straight! lol Sweet baby so tired! The kiddy land people lover her! Our show was so funny! Laughed so hard we tears coming out of our eyes! lol Great day at Sea!
Day 7: Thursday- Port #4- Ensenada! We enjoyed breakfast at the garden café! Got to see bff Washy! Washy! To start our morning off! lol
Waiting to get into port at Ensenada! Took a pic of our amazing maid! She brought so much joy to my kids heart all week with all her creative towel animals!
Pina colada for me and Piper! Ping Pong for Cash! He has gotten so good playing non stop all week long! lol Looks like we will need to get a ping pong table at our house! lol
Ensenada here we come! Ryan's family decided to stay on the ship! So it was just my little family that got off and had the most amazing adventure in Ensenada! We took a shuttle bus to a tour guide bus! This bus took us around the town and then to a blow hole and giant flea market! There are only 3 blow holes in the world! Ensenada is one! Maui Hawaii is one and Australia! We have see 2 out of the 3! Looks' like we need to go to Australia! lol
We made it to the blow hole! Not as bog as Hawaii's but super cool! A fun adventure in Ensenada! The kids loved it!
We ate yummy tacos of course with the most beautiful view!
Got our shop on! Crazy giant flea market! It was well over a mile long of bargain shopping! I had a blast! After the shopping and tour we took a horse and carriage ride to get more tacos! lol The kids had fun riding along in the carriage! Taking in all these awesome experiences as we travel!
This taco shop looked over the harbor! We could see our ship as we ate! Right before we got on the shuttle back to our ship we had to get get homemade churros! So yummy! Piper ate 1 whole bag all by herself! lol The rest of us shared the other bag! lol
We got on the ship and found my brother! They were in the same spot as we left them! lol The kids all swam and hot tubbed for our last night on the ship!
The Last show was called Elements! We loved it! It was a dance and acrobat show! Beautiful and entertaining! Then we went to our last dinner! Can't believe how fast the time goes! Once Christmas was over we started celebrating Piper the rest of the week! She will turn 6 right after the New Year! So at our last dinner we had them surprise her with a cake and we all sang Happy Birthday to her! She was so excited! Just beaming and smiling from ear to ear!
Day 8: Friday-Leaving the Ship to head home! All good things come to an end and even amazing things! Our Christmas Cruise was spectacular! We made the best memories ever together! Wouldn't want to travel with anyone else! Love my brother and his amazing family so much! We travel and mix well together as a while! We woke up early on our last day! Enjoyed our last sunrise as we ate in the garden café for the last time! Then it was time to exit the ship! It was easy peasy! Grabbed out luggage and we were off!
But the party didn't end at the ship! We drove over to Chaparral riding store! Got all geared up for the dune season! We are all ready now! lol Then Del Taco in Barstow! We met the founder and owner of all Del Tacos! Can't believe it! Mr. Ed! He was a delight! We let him know how much we love Del Taco and how much we eat it! Ryan eats at Del Taco almost every day! lol Ed smiled! He loved it! It was such a fun end to our amazing Christmas trip!
We loved our Christmas Cruise! We had the most amazing time of our lives! Can't wait for our next adventure together! Thanks honz for working so hard to make it happen for our little family! The kids loved it so much! Lasting memories were made for sure! Merry Christmas to all!