Merry Merry Christmas!!!! It's tradition the kids sleep in my room so they can't sneak out in the middle of the night and ruin the surprise of Santa! lol Then when we get up we all get ready for the day before going out and seeing if Santa found them!! I take pics of the kids in their ages and then they get to run out and see if Santa came! My mom did this same routine with me as a child and I have done with my kids their whole life! lol It's extra but I love it! Love traditions!
Santa found us!!! and boy did Santa sure spoiled them! Piper got a tv and scooter! Cash got the best 3D printer with tons of colors to print with! Penny got her 1st Mac Book Air! Christmas is already off to an amazing start!! Best little kids ever! Love all their faces so much! Oh how we love Santa!
Next is stocking!! The stocking were stuffed full with toys, treats, makeup and jewelry! Santa sure spoiled us with our stockings too! Even Ruby's stocking was stuffed full of fresh new toys, treats and dog teeth cleaning stuff!
Let's talk about our Christmas fit!!! lol Cashy hand drew and designed out crew necks! American Stitch with Christmas lights on the front! The back had a Christmas tree with baby Jesus! Love that he wanted baby Jesus on there! After all Jesus is the reason for this wonderful season! Love my boy! Love that he took it upon himself to design our fit! He wanted us all to match to keep our matching on Christmas day tradition up! We love matching as a family and Cash is my number 1 for wanting us all to match or be coordinated with matching colors daily! He has an eye for fashion and style! Love my #1 favorite boy!

My Lucky Penny! She is pure joy! Full on teenager and so much fun! Her Christmas this year consisted of clothes, more clothes, shoes, lip products, jewelry and more clothes! lol Love my Penny so much! She is such a good girl! A beautiful soul! Perfect in every way! Absolutely loving the women she is growing up to be! Loving each stage of life with her! She is the best and so much fun!
My Cashy boy!! He is pure sunshine! My happiest! Wakes up with a smile and goes to bed smiling! He loves life to the fullest! He is so fun to shop for cause he has such good style and wears it well! So swaggy! lol His Christmas this year consisted of high end shoes, sunglasses, clothes, cologne for his rizz and Legos! He loves everything you get him and is always so grateful! He literally thanks me daily that I am his mom! He is my wild child but the most tender hearted sweet boy ever! He never wants to disappoint others! My people pleaser! Love my #1 Cashy boy so much!

My baby! My Cutest little Piperoni! She is my quiet and my most care free! Goes with the flow! My ultra sensitive one too! She is my salty sweet! lol She loves her momma! My baby chick always following me around! She love to sing and boy does she ever love to giggle! Sometimes giggles over nothing! lol When she wants to tell you a story she doesn't stop talking! lol Love my baby! Always and forever my baby! Piper's still in toy land so her presents consisted of Barbie's, purses, play real makeup, American girl doll stuff, baby accessories, clothes for herself and more toys! Her favorite toy that she hasn't stopped carrying around is her new reborn baby! She is such a good mommy too! Love my Piper girl so much! She is so much fun! She's alwasy living her best life!
Here's Honz's spread! He made out good this year! We all love this daddy of ours! He is the hardest working man we know and does it all for his family! We love you daddy!
My hawl! lol I made out good too! I always get so spoiled year round! lol
Gramps spent the night and enjoyed Christmas morning with us! We loved having him be a part of our Chistmas fun! We even spoiled him with presents under the tree! Gramps was so excited! He loved when I would take pics of him with his presents like I did the kids! lol It was a joy to have him with us! My cute amazing nephew Elder Ence opened his box of presents we sent to him! yay!!! Auntie Em sent me a pic of my #1 missionary opening his presents! He was so excited on ft with them and I loved that she sent me a pic of him on Christmas morning! Honz made his delicious hootin nannie german pancakes that we took over to the Facer Christmas breakfast! Such an amazing Christmas morning together!

Then we were off to Gma DeeDee's for brunch! Her scones are to die for! This is a Christmas tradition for sure! We had a wonderful time visiting with aunties and uncles and all the cousins! It was a great time together! Lots of pics, yummy food, fun games, and funny presents! Thank you Gma DeeDee for a great time!

Too end our lovely Christmas day we went to the movies with our bestie neighbors! We have never gone to the movies on Christmas and boy was this fun! I'm thinking this will be a new tradition for us! We loved it! We saw the new Mufasa Movie! It was live action and the prequel to the Lion King! It was amazing! We loved it! It had all the feels and amazing music! 10 out of 10 for sure! Then back to the house for more playing with Christmas toys! House hopping with neighbor cousins and ended with one last sleep over before the neighbors headed to their river house and we were off to the dunes the next day for both! Wow! What an amazing Christmas! We are blessed beyond measure! Love my family so much! It was truly the Merriest Christmas of all! 2024!