Sunday, February 23, 2025

February Wk 3 Amazingness!

February wk 3 recap!!! Our wks are so busy and here's another wk in the books for February!! Monday was the Holiday! So of course I booked a dental cleaning for Penny! Any day we have off I most definitely squeeze in some kind of Dr. appt. I hate missing work and hate the kids missing school so it all falls on our days off! lol But there's no better way to start my wk then starting it with Auntie Dr. Joanna! Wahoo! Her office is amazing! Her hygienist is so amazing! and Auntie Dr, Joanna is amazing! Daddy and Cashy enjoyed the morning golfing together! Love this moments they have together! When we got home it was play time! All the kids over to our house on Monday from teens down to my little! It was the best day! Everyone had a blast! 
Update on the backyard! Progress is happening! All the plants went in this wk! Love my cousin Mike! His company is incredible at landscaping and working with! It's looking so beautiful!
More golf for Cashy! He is cranking those balls out there! Way to go Cashy boy! He even celebrates with a booty shake when he hits a real tuff one! hahaha! Love my boy! Has the best personality!
Highschool pick up car selfies with Penny! Penny and I even took a quick trip out to Indian Springs for a mission opening! We sure are our proud of Sunshine Cole! He's going to Africa! Wow! He honestly will do amazing things anywhere he goes! 
School fun for me and my kids! Cash had a fun science experiment! Making pancakes! Changes of matter experiment! I got to help flip pancakes all day! Every rotation! It was so much fun! Piper with her Bestie Charlee! and then Piper had to see Dr. George for her ear hurtung! We got in an out and meds to pick up on the way home! Thanks Dr. George for being awesome and seeing Piper and getting her back on track to feel good! You are the greatest! 
More backyard updates! They finished the stone for our fire pit area! Love it so much with the grass! This stage is complete! Now we get the firepit in and new furniture! Wahoo! That's up next! 
Saturday was a jammed packed day! Frist up- Piper got to Cheer and Cash's last basketball game of the reg season! Wahoo! I love that she actually got to cheer him on! Too dang cute! Auntie Em and Mav came at the end! Mav got to spend the rest of the day with us! Love when that happens!
Piper's action shots of her cheering at her last game of the regular season! She did so amazing! GOOOOOO Eagles! GOOOOO Piper!
Cashy running that ball! Action shots from his last regular season game! They played hard and fought hard! They did not take the win sadly but they did make the play-offs! Wahoo! They had their best season! So proud of all the Eagles! So proud of Cashy! He had a great personal season too! GOOOOO #0! GOOOOO Cashy! GOOOOO Eagles!
Hey batter batter! Well the fun never stops! After the kids games we headed out to Logandale for Honz annual baseball alumni game! It's always so fun to see everyone and catch up! Honz played pretty dang good for not playing since the last annual alumni game! hahaha So last year! hahaha! Honz of course did the shirts! Designed and donated! He is such an amazing human! Everyone loved the colors this year and the design! Great job Honz!
Fun pics from the game! Love my Honz! Love his love for his hometown! He is the greatest! Small town pride!
Oh man the teens live for the weekends to be together! Especially my Penny! This has been such a fun new friend group for Penny! Zero drama and just all get along and have the best times! Love that they are used to my picture taking already too! lol and their poses! lol The hugging one! They come up with this all on their own! Never a dull moment! Always laughing and having a blast! These are the pics from this weekends hang outs! I even took them to the church dance and I got to see my bestie in the parking lot dropping her kids off and their friends! lol We had too much fun laughing and chatting in the parking lot! Love my bestie Shayla! Love these teens too! Such good humans! :)
Sunday Fun-day and the last few pics from this wk! Cash passing the sacrament is still my highlight! We make sure we are in his section every wk so he can pass to us! He is so dang cute and does such a great job! Love my #1 boy! Cash also volunteered to help teach the lesson this wk in the Deacons class! He prepared for it and did so amazing! He is my spiritual giant! Penny also got to help teach in yw today! She is a pro at this and did amazing! Love my babies! So proud of them! The other pics are Piper's selfie from her phone! Love finding their own selfie treasures! lol Cash with the Wells boys! Love these boys! Ruby lounging! lol and Honz in the jacuzzi! It's been an another amazing busy wk! That's the recap for February wk 3!!!


Monday, February 17, 2025

Sadies With Baddie Owen!

Sadies!!! Penny's first Sadies and of course she took her Baddie Owen! They've got this leopard thing between the 2 of them! lol When they first met both were wearing leopard! lol So it was fitting she got them matching leopard hoodies for Sadies! They matched head to toe! Down to the same Nike socks and same color Birkenstock sandals! lol A man that can pull off leopard confidently is the perfect man for this Penny of mine and fits right in with our leopard loving family! lol Look how freakn adorable they look together! Their smiles say it all! 
Frist stop Bowling! Their Sadies group was so fun!!! This was her Arbor Sadies friend group! They had a blast bowling! I loved being the driver! I drove them around to all the things all day! It was the best! It truly is my highlight! I love being a part of Penny's life! As long as she is wanting her mama around I'm going to keep on coming along! lol I have a blast with her friends! The teens make me smile! Love their chatter! Love their music we jam out too! and they love me... Mama Em! So I'm going to keep rolling with it! lol Bowling was a blast! I hung around and took the pics! lol
We hit up the parking garage for the pics! I think they turned out super cool! Such a fun group of teens! 
More of these two cuties! So adorable and just perfect! The camera loves these 2! lol They were such good sports with all my poses and picture taking! lol
The girls!!! Just pics with the girls!!! Then the boys! lol Could not get a single pic of the boys holding still and even all of them looking at me! hahaha! Boys will be boys! Crazy boys! But they are so fun! 
The last couple of poses! The emo one with their hoods up is too funny! haha!
Dinner time! Grape Street at DTS! Thanks to Hannah's parents they got them into dinner at their restaurant! Gave them a killer deal and got to eat delicious food! I dropped them off here.. shopped DTS and met up with my family while they ate! At the restaurant you can write on the table cloths! They had a blast drawing pics! 
To end the night i brought them back to my house! They played pickleball, jumped on the tramp, and hung by the fire at bestie Decker's! I also set up a hot cocoa bar and smore's bar for them too! They sure enjoyed roasting up some smore's and drinking the hot cocoa! The Summerlin boys came to the after party and that was so much fun for Baddie Owen and Penny! So the gang got bigger! hahaha To  chill while they waited for the parents to pick them up they watched a movie! Penny had the best day! She loved her very first Sadies and Baddie Owen made it all the best by being her other half! 1st Sadies done and in the books! Now that's a wrap! 


Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day! The day of love! It's such a great day! My kids woke up to Valentine surprises! Even Ruby got a Valentine's surprise! lol Then it was off to school! It was free dress day for the kids! So Cash was decked out head to toe in his Pink! Piper wore tiny red hearts from head to toe! We were loving today!
Valentine's at school is the absolute best! So much love at the school! All my students showed me so much love! All the surprises and goodies! Oh my!  I felt the love and it was the best! I love my job! So much fun to pop into all the valentine parties through out the day! 
Each of my kids had a Valentine this year!! The cutest little Gio asked Piper to be his Valentine! So dang cute! He made her 2 bracelets! She hasn't stopped wearing them! :) Piper had such a fun day! 
My Cashy with his 3 bestie valentine's! This little quad of besties is the best! They have the best time together! He got his girls matching bracelets to his and bow earrings! The girls loved it! In return they made and wrote him the sweetest card and gave him his favorite candy and a card game!! He was feeling all the love!
My Penny with her special Valentine! What we are learning about Baddie Owen is that he is good listener! He is very thoughtful and 100% spoiled her! He is absolutely perfect for my Penny right now in her life! From her favorite flowers Tulips mixed red roses... to flower Lego (her favorite kind of Legos to build)... to a heart locket necklace with a picture of them from when they first met... to heart shaped reeses... to a cute little face mask... toped off with a hand made card written with the most thoughtful and sweetest words! Fun fact- She told him her favorite movie was the Notebook and jokingly told him that he needed to write her a letter everyday that they have known each other like the movie! So in his card to her he gave her "57 letters." Since that is how many days she has been in his life! The "57 letters" were individual letters that she had to unscramble and figure out the message! How cute rt!!! Well it took her a few tries but she got it rt! The fun message is posted in the pic above! These 2 are definitely adorable and so happy together! Baddie Owen planned the Valentine's with his buddies and they took their girls out to a movie, dinner and hangout back at Baddie Owen's house! Penny had the best night ever! 
I'm in love! I'm in love and I don't care who knows it was definitely our moto for this Valentine's! I got to spend the night with the love of my life at dinner! We went with our bestie Decke'rs to the Ranch House! They are our go to besties that are always don for a good time! We love our date nights with them! While were at dinner we had a Heart shaped pizza delivered to our house for our littles! They loved it! It was an incredible day of love for all! So much love! Love is in the air! lol Happy Valentine's Day!


February Wk 2 Fun!

February Wk 2 is in the books! Another wk  by!has flown by!! No school Monday so of course I booked a dental cleaning! lol This time for myself! We love Dr. Joanna and we love when we get to spend the morning with her!  Piper also had a Dr. apt to get the results back from allergy testing! Everything came back clear so now we are changing detergent and see how that goes! Poor thing just breaks out in hives almost everyday! After all the Dr apts I took the kids to lunch then all the teens and bestie cousins came over to play! It was a great day off for all!
School selfies! Pink matching shoes with my little mini me! Car selfies at pick up! Sidewalk chalk with the bestie! Ice cream nights! 
The momemt we have all been waiting for!!! We are finally finishing our back yard! Wahoo! My cousin Mike's landscaping company is doing it and it's looking amazing! It's crazy how putting 1 tree in can make the yard come alive! lol I'll post more pics each wk until its complete! We can't wait!
I put on my first big Stake Primary event on Saturday! Friend to friend Watch party!  It was a great turn out and great success! Loved having my Piper there too! She's my last one in primary! Can't believe it!
Another Saturday filled with games! First up Piper cheering!!! Look how big she looks! Holy Moly!She did amazing out there! Go Eagles Go! Blue and White! Blue and White! :) 
Next up was Cashy money on the court! He was hitting the 3 today! Hustling too! They took the big WIN and are 6-1 in their season! Wahoo! They are on fire this year! So happy it's his last year too on varsity for elementary! So proud of him and his whole team! Go #0! Goooooo Eagles!
Honz helped bff Kip with a flat tire and dinner with my fam while Penny was at Sadies! Sadies post coming! :) Then Sunday Fun-day pics!
Also on Sunday Fun-day Ryan, Mav and baby Barron came over for dinner! Ryan has been taking Mav out driving! Getting his hours in with his permit and there's no faster way to collect hours then to come on my side of town! lol So the last couple of Sundays Mav has driven on over and we feed them dinner! It has been so fun! They bring their new little fur baby too! Ruby and Barron are besties! Such a great night! Love my family! and there's February Wk 2 recap! 


Monday, February 10, 2025

Super Bowl at the Facer's!

Super Bowl is not complete unless we are all partying at our Bff Facer's!!! It's tradition and we love it!! We all bring different foods and treats and just enjoy the whole day together! This year we really didn't care for either of the teams that made it but what we did care was that KC did not win! lol We were going for anyone but the Kansas City Chiefs! So Eagles it was!!! I even put on my school shirt since we are the eagles at Somerset! lol We had a wonderful time as always! The "Core" back together again! 
Love spending every Super Bowl at the Facer's no  matter who's playing! :) Such a great day together!

Piper and Daddy at the Spectacular Daddy Daughter Dance!

Daddy Daughter Dance for Piper and daddy! Our school puts on the most spectacular daddy daughter dance every year! This is the one night of the year the girls get to get all fancied up and go to the special dance with their special someone daddy! Piper could not wait and either could daddy! She picked leopard as their theme! lol So the 2 of them matched! Love it! They had an absolute blast! Daddy sure knows how to spoil  his little Piper!
It's tradition to go with Navy and Uncle Jake! We had a mini photo shoot! Aren't they the cutest! They had all their poses planned out! Even the poses with their daddy! lol Love these 2 so much! Cutest bestie cousins ever!
Dinner at Red Robin! Yum! Danced the night away at the school! It was a Cinderella theme! Absolutely adorable! The whole night was amazing! and ended with Thrifty's Ice cream! Their daddy's sure know how to spoil these 2!
Guess what!!! I even volunteered to work the dance! I had a blast with my besties! I seriously work with the most amazing people and have met the most amazing student moms too! We worked hard and played hard! Had a blast!
Look how cute!! I worked the photo booth and this was the strip of pics that were texted to the dads! Love it so much! Great quality and so much fun! Such an amazing night for all! Where dreams come true! Daddy Daughter Dance success!
You know if you work the photo booth for hours all night you have to have your turn posing! lol We laughed until we cried and few of us might have even peed our pants! lol Seriously had the best time working the event and along side my besties! We named ourselves Cinderella's step sisters! haha! We had a blast! We always have the best time together! We had too much fun posing!!! hahaha! Love you ladies so much!


Penny and Sadies!

Sadies with Baddie Owen! This past wk Penny worked hard on her poster to ask her Baddie Owen to Sadies! Her and her bestie Hannah both worked on their posters together! They both even asked with a food and asked their boys on the same night! Yayyyy! Penny did the "Canes" ask and Hannah did the "In/Out" one! Their posters turned out so good! Seriously so much fun! She was so nervous to ask him! It was so cute to see her all worked up! lol He of course loved it and immediately said YESSSSS! I took the 4 of them to their food asking places and took more pics and ate there too! I love being the mom that gets to drive these teens around! It's my highlight! Love it! I'm loving this high school phase we are in too! So much fun! They are going to Sadies this coming weekend in a big group since Penny had to work the whole day and night at the Arbor Sadies this past weekend! Don't worry her full Sadies day of events will be posted very soon! hahaha

February Wk 1 Fun!

We are already off to an amazing start for February! Here is February Wk 1! My Brother Ryan got their first puppy!!! A mini cava-poo! His name is Barron and he is just perfect! Ruby and Barron got along so good too! Just look at his sweet face! My kids were all so obsessed with him!!! Welcome to the fam! 
School Dayz! Carline bestie selfies for Piper! The Boys  matching at school! Class pics for the year book! and Mrs. Alessi even had me get in her pic! Love it! That was so fun! Amazing teachers still spoiling Piper all wk to congratulate her Baptism! So sweet! 
Play dates with cousins! Pick up selfies with Penny and favorite Ethan! The golf cart never stops going! and Nails!!! Penny is always doing her nails and her besties! Perfecting her skills!
Cash in his element! Jr Light House put on an assembly and then picked Cash to be on the mic to get the kids all hyped! He did amazing! The students loved him! He is such people person! Star of the show! He was on such  a high he can't wait for the next assembly! His teacher leaders were so proud of him! Wahoo Cashy! Cashy also helped me put together our #1 Elder's birthday box! We love Elder Ence so much and we love sending him packages! We are extremely proud of him out serving the Lord! Piper has been loving being old enough to go to activity days! Such a big girl! She loves her leaders and all her little friends that go! Such a fun little group!
Penny busy with stuco! Arbor had their Sadies and of course she had to work the event! Several days after school and all day Saturday setting up! During the Sadies dance she got to be the Dj with James! Her and James have a blast together! He has been such a great friend to her! James is also the connection to her new favorite friend "Baddie Owen!" She is loving her new friend group as you can see! So many fun hang outs together! 
My Honz and I got invited to an amazing 50th celebration for our friend Miles! It was out at Chicken and Pickle! Basically a super cool hang out with tons of pickleball courts and amazing food! Oh and I'm obsessed with these donuts holes from Real Donuts! The best party side! I took 8 dozen to our Super Bowl party and they were all gobbled up! Delicious! 
Hit the courts and hitting the streets! hahaha My boy living his best life! He loves playing ball! His team took the big Win yet again! It's been a great season so far! With 6 wins and 1 loss! Wahoo! Way to go Cashy! Way to go Eagles! He also has been hitting the streets with his homies on the golf cart! lol Boys will be Boys! Wild boys! lol Golf Cart Bandits! hahaha
Sunday Fun-day! We had another great wk at church! Cashy passing the sacrament is our Sunday highlight! Gma DeeDee took the littles to dinner while Honz and I were at the birthday party for our friend and Penny was working at Sadies! They loved being with Gma! Had the best time! Well that's another weekly re-cap! Man do we do a lot in a wk! lol