Wow the time really flies! Our sweet little princess is already 16mons!!! She has so much personality! She truly loves life! She just talks up a storm to anything and anyone!! She is just so busy busy!! She definitely keeps us going!! She loves to sing, dance, play dress up, carry her purses, dolls...and the list can go on and on! She is such a girly girl!! and I love it!!!! She says so many words that I can't even believe! It really surprises me how fast they learn and really pick up on things! She will tell you.. She is the "Princess"! Points to herself and everything! (should we be worried...this is a little young...right??? haha!) So all the pics are pics I take through out the month! She loves the camera! When she see me pull it our she starts saying "CHEESE! CHEESE!" and then if I say pose for mommy she knows just what to do! Oh I jut love it and Grandma Penny would just love it too! (you know she was the picture QUEEN) We seriously can't get enough of our Sweet little P! She cracks us up daily! It's the best being mommy and daddy!!