Little Penny has reached 18mons!!!! WOW!!! The time flies by!! She is just as busy as can be!!! There is never a dull moment with our Sweet little Penny!!! She keeps us laughing!! She loves performing!!! Loves the center of attention!! She is just the Best!! This month she has started going to Nursery (at church)...she loves going in but when she realizes her mommy and daddy aren't there oh boy is she a sad sad girl!!! Each week we hope it just gets better cause she still is as scared as can be!!! This really Surprises us cause she is so friendly and loves making new friends but how quickly we have realized she is always with us!! She is just getting so BIG!! She is finally getting some more teeth in!! The ones on top!! You probably can see them in these pics!! So dang cute!!! Just loving those new teeth! It's funny how having those new teeth on top can really change her smile and make her look so big!!! She is just the Joy of our Life!! We love you sweet P!!!!