5 already!! Can't be possible!! My sweet, sassy full of personality Penny is 5yrs old!!! She is the most loving, caring, thoughtful, smart, silly, goofy, over achiever, full of personality little girl!! She is beautiful inside and out! Chad and I ask ourselves all the time "how did we get to be so lucky to have her as our perfect daughter!!" She has always wanted to be bigger than she is but boy is she excited to be 5!!! She can't wait to go to school either! She loves to learn!! We are so proud of her everyday! Just love this miss personality plus!! Happy Birthday Penny Pie we sure love you tons!!

These pics are all from Penny and Chad's Birthday party! I seriously have married the best man ever!! He lets Penny steel all his Birthday thunder! Such a great sport every year for their Party!! He really doesn't get a say..... haha! This year Penny wanted a Barbie party and that's exactly what they got!! Thanks honz for always being selfless!! Such an amazing quality you have!! Sure love my Birthday Boy! My honz turned 32!! and Penny of course as you read above turned the BIG 5!!
Pinata fun at the party!! Penny was so excited this year because she did the wining crack and all the candy and toys fell out!!
More pics from the party! Thank you all so much for coming every year! It wouldn't be the best and biggest pool party of the summer with out you!!! We sure love you all!!
Boy was she spoiled by all of you!! She loved opening all her presents! She got so many fun and amazing surprises!! She was in awwwww the whole time!!! Thank you all for making her feel so loved and so special too!!
Cake time!! and yes my honz got his very own cake this year to make him feel special!! haha! However I failed in getting a picture of him by his very own cake!! AWWWWWW dang!!! I can't do it all!! hahaha! Sorry honz!! Like I said before it's pretty much all about Miss Penny pie! Thanks honz for always being such a great sport!! Happy, Happy Birthday to my 2 my most favorite people in the world!!! Sure Love you both the most!!