Friday, September 13, 2024

Jammed Packed Weekend of Fun!

There's always so much  going on and some days are even more eventful! Like our last weekend! Jammed packed with all the things!! Kicked off our Saturday morning with Cash's 1st Flag Football game of the season!! Wahoo! Go Eagles! They played so good together being it was their first game! Way to go #15! Love my little athlete! 
Then it was home to get all dressed up for Navy's Baptism! Such a special day for Navy! We are so proud of her!! Navy even asked Piper to give the opening prayer! Piper was so nervous and did so good! So proud of her! She was so brave! We sure love Navy so much! Piper's little bff cousin!
Then it was back home to change out of our church clothes and rush to Hot Wheels Glow Party Show! I bought these tickets back in April! Had no clue we would have so much going on this Saturday! lol We barely made and had a freakn blast! All lit up!! Glow Party for sure! We loved watching the BIG Monster Hot Wheel Trucks do all their tricks!! It was a hoot! So freakn fun!! 
The busy fun didn't end just on Saturday! On Sunday we got up and ready and headed to Santa Clara, UT for my cousins mission farewell! I absolutely loved going to church up in Utah with all my family! It just felt so good to be around all my cousins, aunts and uncles! Love my family so much! We had a wonderful day visiting and just being together! 
That's not all! lol After leaving Santa Clara we headed up to Cedar! Chad's Gpa Bulloch had gone into emergency surgery that morning! So since we were already in Utah we thought it would be best to see him in the hospital! It was a great choice! He was so happy to see us!  He was doing very good! Already telling stories like he does! He had to get 5ft of his colon removed. Poor Gpa! We also stopped by to visit with more family! It was a quick, great day trip up and back home! Worth every min! Love my family!


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