Weekly Re-cap!! January wk 4!! Lots going on this wk! Family Yogurtland night! That's always fun! Car selfie with Penny! Friend selfie with Piper! Piper also got to go to activity days for our church for the first time! The year you turn 8 you get to go to fun weekly activities! She has been so excited for this! Waiting her turn to be 8 to be able to go watching her big siblings go for years a head of her! lol Cashy going to his weekly golf lesson he loves! Let's not forget Inauguration day! President Trump is home! lol Had to wear my daddy's home tee on the inauguration day! Best shirt ever! Best President ever! We are excited to Make America Great Again!
We've reached 100 days of school! So you know we dressed up as olf Granny's! lol The kinder kids got to join in the fun and dress up! We had way too much fun being old! lol Love my job! We are always having way to much fun! The best day!
Cashy grinding! He loves his private basketball coach! Coach Channel is the best! Cash has has so much growth with him! Cashy also had a fun science experiment at school! I know I say this a lot lol but I love working at my kids school for days like this! I got to be at the experiment and help out and of course take pics of my boy! love it!
Golf cart fun!!! We can't get enough of it! It's a bit chilly rt now on it for me but it's not stopping the kids from cruising the streets! hahaha! Honz got a chance to golf this wk so that's his highlight! lol Loving all the friends over and hanging! Always living life to the fullest!
Penny always living her best life! Finding the fun in all that she does! Her wk consisted of a surprise visit from her Utah Bestie Kaycee from the cruise! lol We love Kaycee! She is always surprising Penny and taking her out to dinner and catching up! Well there was a lot to catch up with this time! lol She also has had a blast with her new friend group! Non stop laughter and fun! Golf cart rides and sunset pics! Wrestling for bff cousin Mav! and a Flag football game to see Baddie Owen! She truly loves just having a good time anywhere doing anything!
Piper cheering!! Go Eagles Go! She is loving cheering indoors! lol She is such a hoot! Loving our family cheer crew too! Too much fun! Love my little Eagle Cheerleader!
Well when Piper had a game Cashy has a game! So up next was Cash's Basketball game! Wow what a gaem! Sadly they didn't take the win but Cash played so good! He had his best scoring game of the the season! 15 points and all points scored were 3 pointers! Say what! He was on FIRE!!! Let's go Eagles!!! #0 was on cooking! So proud of my boy!
After both their games was Team pics for the yearbook! Piper's team didn't change so she actually didn't need to be there but since she was already dressed from her cheer game I had her come along for sibling pics! Love these 2! Piper is his little cheerleader! They took the cutest pics together! Love my little Eagles! It's been a great basketball season! It's been a great busy wk as always around here!
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