We have a Little Super Star! On Saturday it was Penny's 1st Pageant! What a Natural! She loved being on stage!! She was waving and saying HI! Blowing big Kisses! Twirling around! Nothing was going to stop her from Performing! It was the best seeing her up there on that big stage!! She didn't want to get off it either!! She competed against 12 other little girls in her division!! and would You believe our little Super Star...Won "Miss Tiny Tot Overall Winner"! Meaning she took 1st place in every category!! Plus to top it all off she got a medal for Personality Plus!! We were so excited for Miss Penny Cakes! She was so happy too! So now we are off to State for Penny to compete there! She is the only one from the competition to go to State and compete against all the other little girls that won overall! We are so PROUD!! State Pageant...Here we come!! Good Luck Sweet Little Penny!!! We LOVE you!
Wow! This totally brings back a ton of memories when me and my sisters used to be in all the pageants growing up! Grandma Penny would be so PROUD!!!