WOW! The months are flying by!! Sweet full of life Penny has turned 14mons!! She is a wild child!! So much personality! She loves people!! Loves her purses, dolly's, baby doll stroller and dressing up with bracelets and necklaces! When she hears music a playing she gets her little body moving! She loves to dance and sing! Just talking up a storm too! She says "oooooh!...Pritt!" for oh pretty! So funny she'll say "brathe" for bracelet! Oh and don't even show her a drink with straw..she'll say "I-th" for ICE over and over until you give her some!! She is just the funniest little thing! She still has all the sass in the world!! It's the best being her mom and dad! We just love her happy little self!!
We are still waiting for TEETH!! We are really hoping she has some in there! haha!
i miss her face cant wait for the dunes with her and maddie!!!!
OOOOOH That Drees with the button and roses is TOOO cute!!! xo She's a doll!!
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