Oh our silly silly girl!! Seriously the older she gets the more sassy her little personality gets too!! I can't believe she is 23mons!! WOW!! Our little diva is almost 2!! She just cracks us up! The things...the sentences...that come out of her mouth!! She acts way to BIG to not even be 2!! So smart! We wish we could record her all day everyday just so we can remember all the funny things she says!! I know that life will just get better and better the older she gets too!! We are just loving her sooooooo much!!
Thursday, June 28, 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
I'm A BIG Girl Now!!!
Looks who's using the BIG girl potty!! She will be 2yrs old at the end of next month and No more Diapers for this little Penny cakes!! She Loves her Panties!! We had to get her every design because she said she loves...Minnie Mouse, Hello Kitty, Princess, and Dora!! She is such a Silly, Smart, Spoiled little Diva!! and We just Love her!! We are so Proud of her!! The reason for jumping right on this potty training is because she said to me last week... "I say no diaper...mommy...diaper for my babies!" So I said "well ok then" and we haven't look back! It hasn't been the easiest but she is definitely smart and catching on fast!! Again we couldn't be more PROUD!! She is getting to big...to fast!! We love you Penny!!!
Friday, June 22, 2012
Parting is Such Sweet Sorrow!
Yesterday was Eryn's Birthday and the last day she will be in Vegas! So we had a Birthday, Packing Going Away Party!! She is off to Oklahoma for Orthodontic School! She will be there for 3 years! I hope those 3yrs go fast because I am already missing her so much!! She is such an Amazing women! She is the Dr. of everything!! Whatever the problem...she can solve it!!! and man am I going to miss her!! I have been so Lucky to have her so close to me all these years! So hurry home Eryn!!!
Loading up the BIG Trailer! We even put her car in there!! It was so sweet to see all our little nieces and nephews helping so much! It was hard work loading that trailer and they were working it! They love their Auntie Eryn so much!
After the hard work was done it was time to Party!!! My dad bbq'd and we all Swam!! We all have such a Blast together!! Eryn we are going to miss you so much!! We are all so Proud of you! You are going to be the most Amazing Dr.!! Such a perfectionist!! Good luck in OK!! We will come out and see you real soon!!! We love you!!
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
Having Some Fun in the Sun!!!
We have kicked the summer off just right!! We have been soaking up the sun!!! On Monday we played at the Splash pad and big fun Slides!!!
Today we hit up the YMCA and swam our little hearts out!! It's so fun watching our little babies play so hard!! They all Love the water so much! Just lovn our Summer fun!!
Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Father's Day to the Best Daddy ever!!! Penny is such a daddy's little girl! She just loves him so so much and so do I!! I'm so Lucky to have married such an Amazing man!! He truly Loves being daddy and Loves his sweet little angel more than Life!!! He definitely makes everything possible for our little Family! I love you Honz and Penny loves you too!!! Oh! and Happy Father's day to my dad too!! We had such a great time over at his house of Father's day!! He's such a great example of an Amazing Father!!! Thank you for everything you have done for us!!! We love YOU!!
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Pageant! Pageant! Pageant Time!!!

This last weekend was Penny's Cinderella State Pageant! It was a very busy...busy...long day! She competed in 3 different categories! The pictures above are from the 1st category which was "Playtime"! This is where they are judged how they interact with other kids! She loved it! She had so much fun playing and singing! So sweet!

2nd category was "Casual Wear"! This was her 1st time on the Big stage! She wasn't to sure how fun this was! She was nervous and scared to be up there! This surprised us because she loves to perform! I know for me I couldn't wait to get off that stage and I'm pretty sure that was exactly how she felt! :)

The last category was "Party Wear"! This was the final time she was on the stage! She warmed up a little but was still ready to get off that stage! :) So at the very end they finally announce the Winners!! Penny won "Best Personality" and Most Photogenic"! Neither of those Surprised us!! She has too much Personality and she loves the Camera! haha! We were so Proud! Penny just loves her Trophies!! Not to sure if we will do any more Pageants unless little Penny is begging us to be in another one! It's a ton of work and very draining getting everything together for such a long busy day!! All in all is was a Fun Experience!
Sunday, June 3, 2012
Happy Memorial Day Swimming Fun!!!
Happy Memorial Day!! We spent the whole day Swimming and BBQing at Grandpa Jeff's and Grammy's House! What a fabulous day!! Penny Loves the water!! and she especially Loves Swimming with her Daddy!! She is just the Best! We just love how Happy she is all the time!!!
"1...2...3...JUMP!!! WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" is what she says as she goes jumping off the edge to her daddy!! She loved it and what I love are these pics of her face!! Oh my!! We seriously crack up every time we look at these pics!! Love her!!!!
"1...2...3...JUMP!!! WEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" is what she says as she goes jumping off the edge to her daddy!! She loved it and what I love are these pics of her face!! Oh my!! We seriously crack up every time we look at these pics!! Love her!!!!
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