Hello Seattle! For my birthday my honz took me on a fun get away to Seattle! We were supposed to be with Eryka and Adam on the LuLaRoe Cruise but babies couldn't go under 6mons! and both Eryka and i just had babies!!! Sad i know! We Totally earned it and couldn't go! But back to Seattle.... We have not been anywhere in the US but the states we can drive quickly too! So we picked Seattle to tour around! So fun to see the Seattle life! lol! We did everything touristy! and we ate a ton! Such great food places there! We flew in late Friday night! Got in about 1am and went with our best friends Brittany and Kyle! Brittany is serious the best person to travel with she had it all planned out.....the best top food places to the best top sights to see! It was a quick trip and we got a ton in! We had a blast! Baby Piper came with us too! She took her first flight and did amazing! Seriously she is the best! Never makes a peep! and always such a happy girl!! Best little travel buddy too! The top collage is what we did on Saturday! Pikes market, gum wall, dick's burger joint, the temple, the troll under the bridge,the tiny houses on the water,space needle, sight seeing beautiful parks, and homes, amazing crepes for breakfast and the best tacos for dinner! Busy day! and So much FUN!

This collage was from Sunday! We had 1/2 day to tour around! We flew out on Sunday! I told you it was a quick trip! Biscuit Bitch to start our morning! Amazing! back down to Pike's market for HUGE donuts and then caught a ferry with our car over to the island Bainbridge! The island was so beautiful! A quick fun day! Got to the airport had to be frisked by the security in front of everybody because the ice packs for Piper's milk had thawed out and they thought i put something in them so they had to check me from head to toe in every part of my body and all my belongings! It took a bit and i was stressing we were going to miss our flight back home but we made it with 3mins before loading the plane! Cutting it close! YIKES! Dang security! lol!
We had a blast! We need to get away more! It's just so hard because we are both so busy! So worth and can't wait for our next quick adventure!