Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Christmas Breakfast!

 After Christmas at our house it's tradition to  spend breakfast at Chad's mom- DeeDee and Fadi's house! A tradition we will never miss! Her breakfast scones are the best and we love being around family!
 After eating and visiting DeeDee planned a scavenger hunt around the house for everyone! These are the selfies we took around the house while playing the game! It was so fun! The hunt led us to a big bucket of toys for all ages! She's always thinking! We all had a blast playing and laughing!
After the scavenger hunt it was time for the cousin gift exchange! The kids were so excited for this! Then we gave DeeDee her gift! We had a custom grand kid blanket made! So soft with all her grand kids names printed on it! She loved it! DeeDee and Fadi gave us all pogo passes to use together through out the year! I'm so excited for this! Been wanting a pogo pass for a while now! Yay!! Such a wonderful morning together! Thanks DeeDee for always creating the memories together!

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