Cash's 1st Day Camp for church! The year you turn 8 you get to go to weekly activities! Just for boys from ages 8-11! Cash was so excited to finally be old enough to go to these activities. He even got to go on an all Boy Day camp this last weekend! It was "Boot Camp!" He had a blast! So many fun boy activities! Archery! BB gun shooting! Rock climbing! Zip line! Obstacle course! Tug of War! Made dog tags! Lunch and even did a service project! I heard he was the best little worker when it came time for the service project part! That made me and daddy so proud! Great job Cashy boy! Great church memories! We love the gospel in our lives and all the joys and blessings it brings to us!
Sunday, August 22, 2021
Happy 1st Birthday Ruby!
Happy 1st Birthday to our sweet Ruby! We had so much fun celebrating her! We Won the jack pot with this little Ruby! Being our first pet ever she has been the perfect added addition to our family! Such a sweet well mannered doggy! So smart too! Ruby we are just smitten by you! We sure hope you had the best birthday with all your little birthday treats!! We love you! We don't know how life would be without you!
1st Day of Pre-K!
And she's off..... cast and all! lol 1st day of Pre-K with our favorite Mrs. McIntyre! We are so lucky to have now had all 3 of our kids have Mrs. McIntyre for Pre-K! She is just the best! Amazing with the kids! We absolutely just love her! Piper is already loving her teacher and all her new friends! She did so good with her cast at school too! Been writing with her left hand even though she's right handed! Been cutting this week with her right hand in the cast! She tells Mrs. McIntyre "I can do it!" She tries to do everything with this cast on all by herself! She is such a little trooper!
She had the best 1st day and week! She loves school and tells me "I'm not the baby anymore mommy! I'm big girl!" Well I hate to break it to you... sweetie... you will always be my baby! Love this little big girl Piper! She is determined and nothing is going to stop her! Not even a full arm cast on her dominate hand! lol We love you and always so proud of you!
Saturday, August 14, 2021
Broken Arm for Baby Girl!
Well when you think your busy enough with working full time, Cash's Birthday festivities and 1st day of school there's always time to break and arm!! Right!!!!!! My poor sweet baby!!! So yes on Cash's Birthday and as you know it was also the 1st day of school! We got the big kids off to their 1st day of school got home and I was working printing t-shirts in my office and all of a sudden I hear a cry out from Piper! She had quietly put on Cash's new birthday skates stood up in them and fell straight down on her right arm. She tried to catch herself with her right arm. I hurried and got the skates off. She would not let me touch her arm. I called my neighbor over who is a PT and she looked at it. Piper still screaming. So I called Dr. George her pediatrician. He immediately called in x-rays and orthopedic. We spent the afternoon at these 2 places. After lots of series of x-rays. The x-rays confirmed a break in the radius. She was put in a Hot Pink long arm cast with palm up. The cast goes past her elbow. She wears this new accessory for 2 wks then goes back in for x-rays and possibly a new cast or keep this cast on. Depending on what the x-rays show in 2 wks she may need to go in for an mri on her elbow. Hoping that is not the case. They would need to put her asleep to do the mri and I don't' want that. My poor baby Piper! She always trying to be big and follow her older siblings around. Just feel so bad for her. She is always hot and complaining of it being itchy! I need these 2 wks to go by fast for her! Love you baby! Praying for a speedy recovery! No more skates for you! She thinks otherwise. She told me to save the skates in the garage until she is out of her cast! Say what! No way you silly girl!!! Oh how we love our Piper!
Happy 8th Birthday Cash! And Happy 1st Day of School!
Happy 8th Birthday Cashy Boy!! Your birthday has finally come! It seems as those we have been counting down your special day for weeks! lol Can't believe my boy is 8!! He is such a fun boy! Always full of life! The best loud personality! lol He's also sweet and sensitive too! We love our boy so much! Wouldn't know how to live this life without him in it! He truly is just so much fun! Ball of energy! It was the 1st day of school on his Birthday so he woke up and unwrapped his present before we headed off to his 1st day of 2nd grade!
Happy 1st day of 2nd grade! And just like that he's off! Birthday and all! He came home and said he had the best day! Every one wished him Happy Birthday! He loves his teacher Mrs. Terzich! He was so excited to see all his friend in his class and came home saying he made 2 new friends on the 1st day of school! He's a friendly one and will make friends with anyone! He loves people! Sweet boy! You will do great this year! We are so proud of you!
Look who headed off to Middle School!!! Say what!!!! Miss Penny pie! 6th grade for her! Can't believe it! She was so excited to go! She had a great day at her orientation couple days before school started. She got to get her sched and walk the school! She came home in all smiles! She had a great 1st day! I'm so proud of her and the example she is to her little brother and sister! This Penny pie is beautiful inside and out! She is off to great things! Make this year the best! Mommy is so proud of you!
Penny loved that Daddy got to take her to school on her 1st day! She goes 1 hour before the other 2 go off to school so Daddy had to take her so I can get the littles ready for theirs!
To end Cash's 8th Birthday celebrations he wanted to go to Bj's for dinner! We had a wonderful time eating and celebrating him! Seriously love this handsome boy of mine! Sure hope you had the best 8th Birthday ever!!! Can't wait to see what this year has in store for you!
More Birthday Fun for Cashy!
Yes you read that right! The Birthday celebration continues on! Monday- 2 days before his birthday we had his birthday party with friends and cousins! It was the 1st day of school for ccsd. my kids started school the following Wed which is Cash's actual birthday! So we have been counting down the days till Cash's 8th Birthday and count down to 1st day of school! Both are the same day! So we needed to have his party before school starting! So Monday I picked up his cute friends and cousins and we went all the way out to this lazer tag place ....come to find out once we got there they were closed since it was the first day of school Omg !! Seriously just my luck! Had all the kids and now what! No laser tag! So Cash picked Defy! So we headed to defy! No matter where I took the kids I knew they would have a blast! Thank goodness! They had a great day together jumping, climbing, and dodgeball! Picked up Lunch at Canes Cash's fave! Then presents at the house! :)
Then the night party!! lol All he wanted to do was go Cosmic bowling so we did!! Picked up more friends and cousins and hit up the Red Rock Lanes! Pizza and Cupcakes too! Cosmic bowling was so fun! The lights going! Loud music! Great times!! Cash was hyped! He kept saying this was the best day!! YAY!
Happy 13th Anniversary!
In between all the Birthday festivities and count down to the 1st day of school Chad and I celebrated our 13th Anniversary! 13yrs and eternity to go! Can't believe we have shared so many adventures and memories together! He is my best friend and rock! Truly we are lucky in love! Love this hunk of mine!! We enjoyed dinner together at T-bones in the Red Rock. It was so good! We had a wonderful night together laughing and talking about all the amazing times we have shared together! Love it and many more to come! Let's grow old together! The best is yet to come! Just keeps getting better with you honz!
Take me out to the ball Game!!! While we were out to dinner celebrating our 13th Anniversary Bailey and Reese took the kids to an Aviators game! More Birthday fun for Cash!! Wahoo! They also met up with Bre and Jake's family!!
Cousin time is the best time! Bailey spoiled them while they were there! She let them eat and get anything and everything. They had so much fun!! Now Chad and I just need to get to one of those Aviator games! They had a blast!!
Cash's Birthday Festivities!
Birthday Fun for Cash! We celebrated through the weekend! My sister and family came into to town! Ryan had us all over for a swim bbq!!! Cash was in heaven with all his cousins, cupcakes, and presents! Thanks for hosting Ry and making Cash feel so special! We had a blast!
The birthday festivities continued on! While Eryka's family was in town we must go to the lake! So we all took our boats down to Willow Beach and had the most amazing day!
That was Chad and I first time launching the boat down there. It was perfect. Not busy. Beautiful canyons to boat through. The water was calm too! It was lovely!

Tubing was ON!!! This is of Chad, Chance and Zane! They were launching! lol
Fun surfing!! Bailey, Chance, Chad, Joanna and Eryn all surfed!! They were all so good! Very impressed with al their skills! lol
More tubing fun! This collage Cash, Hayes, Mav! Eryka also got out there with Piper and Enya! Piper's 1st time! She loved and didn't want to get off!! More! Keep going she would say!
Beautiful day with Beautiful Boats and Beautiful people! I love my family! What a great weekend together celebrating Cashy Boy!
Count Down to Cash's Birthday!
The count down was on!! It was just a few days until Cash's 8th Birthday and the 1st day of school! So we crammed everything fun in off our pogo pass that we could get done! lol So the top collage is from the Bouncy World! The kids had fun shooting the hoops more than in the bounce houses! lol but still had fun running around the place!
Then is was off to Chuck E Cheese! My sis n law Melissa invited us out! The kids had a blast!! We absolutely love going to Chucky! Chad of course won the most tickets! lol I'm pretty sure he has more fun there than the kids'!!! lol Great night with family!
The next day we headed out for more fun adventures! We went to Sea Quest!! This was probably the most fun we have had there. So many animals up and active. The kids even got to feed the birds, iguanas and sting rays! They had so much fun!!
Then is was off to the Rex Center! The kids had to have closed toes shoes and I wasn't prepared for that so we went to good will and bought them shows! What an adventure that was in it's self! lol Then is was back to the Rex center! 10 rock climbing walls and glow in the dark mini golf! They had a blast!!! Busy having fun over here! Summer almost over and what wat to kick off and count down to Cash's 8th bday!!
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