Today is the day! Penny's 12th Birthday has arrived!! Wahoo! Can't believe my #1 is 12! Where is the time going! Oh how we love our sweet Penny pie! She is just a delight! We are so blessed and so lucky she came to our family! We couldn't live life with out her! She's our leader! The best big sister! Fun loving! Care free! Silly! A good friend to others! She loves and lives life to the fullest! Entrepreneur! Always coming up with ways to work hard and make money! She is creative! Super crafty and good at it! Organized when she wants to be and really good at it too! lol Just love her so much! We are the lucky ones! Happy 12th Birthday Penny Pie!!

Her Big gift was an electric scooter! The industrial street kind! We had it custom painted too! Tiffany Blue with silver sparkles! She was beyond excited! Jumped right on it and took it for a spin! Then Honz had to try it out! Then Cash! Then Penny took Piper! So much fun! It goes pretty dang fast too! Hold on tight my peeps! She got more fun surprises in the top collage too! She was defiantly spoiled! Even surprised her with her fave breakfast Cinaholic! She's not much of a breakfast person but boy does she love cinnamon rolls!

We were then off to the Ranch for the Bulloch Summer Jam on her Birthday! The Bulloch reunion always falls on or around her Birthday weekend every year! This year it was on her Birthday! So we travel most the day in the car! She's a good sport! She knows I spoil her for her whole month and week leading up to her birthday! She is definitely not forgotten! She even got Birthday gifts along the road trip from my bff Jackie and Aunt Bre Favorite! She was loving that!
We made it to the Bulloch Summer Jam! Wahoo! Oh how we love the ranch and all the memories that come with it! Her cute cousins even surprised her with decorating the ranch for her Birthday! She was so excited and loved it!
She definitely felt the love from all up at the ranch! White Chocolate Raspberry Nothing Bundt cake for her Birthday cake! I would say she had the best 12th Birthday ever! Thank you all for spoiling her and making her feel so special!
Rattle snake catching and dissecting!! Yikes! Way to gross for me but man did the kids love it! Thanks Uncle Brent for teaching the snake ways! lol Late night Movie! and Braiding session! lol 1st day in and boy are we having a blast!
Day 2- Riding hard! The kids of course never stop playing!
Shooting! This was Cash's highlight! He loved shooting with his new gun! My Cashy is all boy!!!
My girls love shooting too! Penny is freakn good! Eagle eye! Perfect aim! Sniper status! lol Piper even got to shoot with daddy for the first time! She loved it too!
Hike to the Deep Creek! Playing in a water trough! These kids are living their best life!
Riding and more riding! All the fun toys! My Cashy boy is so good even driving the big Razor! He's a very skilled little man! :)
Photo shoot on an old truck! lol Swinging and jumping on the tramp! Late night card game!! The fun never stops at the ranch!
Day 3- Grandpa arrived by plain to the ranch! We love spending every chance we get with grandpa! He always has the best stories! Oh how we love our grandpa!
More family arrived for the Summer Jam! Eating, visiting, and laughing! Most everyone did an all afternoon hike down to the deep creek to the waterfalls! Gorgeous pics!
So much hiking and swimming fun! Beautiful waterfalls all on grandpa's property! So amazing!
The ones that hung back from the hike ambushed the hikers with a water balloon fight! Wow! That was fun! The kids had so much fun that most ended up crying at the end! lol Water plus dirt equals mud! lol No thank you for me! lol What a great time! lol
Photo shoot on the runway!! lol You know how I love a good photo shoot!
We always capture all that were there in one big pic! This time we added the plane to the pic! We love our grandpa so much! We are so grateful and blessed for him! We love the ranch! Epic Summer Jam!
More photo shoot pics! lol
Day 4- More shooting targets! Epic razor racing! Airplane flying! and Clean up!
We had such a wonderful summer jam all together at the ranch! Love our traditions! Wonderful memories were made once again!
Back home and the real clean up begins! lol Both my boys washing and cleaning their toys!! Love that Cash does this all on his own!! Neither one of us tell him to do this! It's just in him! lol He is my ocd clean freak! lol Just like his mama! So proud! lol
Can't wait to get back on the ranch!!!