Weekly recap!! Here's the 1st wk of March! It was a busy fun wk as always! At work and school it was Nevada Reading wk so we had a dress up wk!! I did a collage for each dress up day this wk! The theme for the wk was Color our Wolrd with reading! Monday was bloom in color!! So the the kids wore as much color as they could! For the staff it was weat Golden Knights! So of course I was decked out in all my Golden Knights gear! We had a surprise guest reader assembly! The Golden Knights came! They were our suprise guest reader assembly! The kids were so hyped! It was awesome! Go Knights Go! Kicking Nevada Reading Week off with a bang!
Tuesday was Twin Day! Piper was a part of 2 different groups matching! :) She matched her bestie girl gang and her bestie boy Gio and friends! Such a fun day! She absolutely loved matching both fun groups!
We were out late shopping for Cash to be able to match his besties! lol These girls think he is just the funniest! Always down for the plan! They even brought 2 extra hair ties to do his hair to match theirs! hahaha So freakn fun and awesome! The best part about Cash is he doesn't care what his peers think of him! He's alwasy ready to have fun! He had a great twin day!
Here's me! Twinning with my work bestie! We all got matching bestie shirts for twin day! Had the best day twinning with my friends! We have the best time together! Work is the best!
Wed was wear word day! So wear as many words as you can! Didn't do very good at getting pics on this day! hahaha So this collage has what we did that day! Took Piper's riends home with us to get them to gymnastics and then cheer! Cash had is golf lesson! Honz went golf for his bff Kip's birthday! It was a great hump day!
Thursday- dress like a book character! Cash was Davey Crocket! Piper was V from Spy Ninjas! We even had another fun assembly! Mystery readers from the galaxy! Chewy and a couple Jedi's came to read! The kids loved it! I was able to snag class pics of both my kids classes with the mystery readers! Amazing!
My sped team all dressed in Reading Rainbow shirts! Love my team of peeps! We work good together! It really is the best!
Fri-yay! Dress as a vocab word! lol Well we sure did! We were "Social Butterflies!" It was awesome! Everyone loved it! Such a creative idea thanks to Christina! We had fun being butterflies! lol
Also this week....over at Arbor View! Penny campaigned all week for Sophomore Class Vice President! She is currently Freshman Class Vice President and it's already election time for next year! She designed her poster! It's turned out Perfect! Love her play on of her Name PENNY!!! "A vote for Penny makes prefect cents!" lol and she added the cute Penny's to her flyer too to add the perfect touch! She passed out flyers all wk and hang a ton up! Daddy made her a couple shirts to wear on the actual voting days! She worked hard all wk putting herself out there! She ran against one of her friends too! In the end she sadly did not win! :( She was a bummed out but doesn't let too much effect her and ready to push forward! I think my mama heart was more sad then her! lol We are extremely proud of our Penny for being Brave and running! For putting herself out there to all her peers! She is a leader no matter what! She automatically gets a seat in student council which is all she wanted in the end was to still be a part of stuco! She has absolutely loved being in stuco this freshman year and ready to continue on for her Sophomore year! We love you Penny! We are always so proud of you!
School Volleyball games! Weekend hang outs! Youth Conference! Penny always has a packed filled wk of adventures! She had the best time at Youth Conference! Just what she needed to lift her up! Bro Brad Wilcox from the General Young Mens Presidency came and spoke to the youth! Penny reports he was amazing! The spirit was strong! Yay! Wished I could have been there to hear him speak! Wow! A chance of lifetime! Totally cool! So blessed Penny was able to be apart of it! She had so much fun meeting friends at the school volleyball games! and of course her weekend hang outs with Baddie Owen and friends are always the #1 highlight of the week! lol
Piper and I got to go to a surprise birthday party for Charlee and Collby! Yayyyy! Piper had a blast with her besties! I had a blast too with the adult besties! lol Taco truck and great laughs! Such a fun night!!!
Young Mens for Cash!!! He is loving being apart of the young mens program! Visited and toured a Fire station! and another night he had a Nerf War activity! So much fun! Piper is loving being old enough to go to activity days! She loves being with all the cute girls' her age from the ward! This wk they made tissue paper decorating small glass jars! She loved it! She loves doing crafts too! Thank to all the amazing leaders!
Finally got Ruby into the groomers! lol Look how precious she is! Neighbor besties popping over to hang! and Cash's fun hang out with Janie and her sisters friends! Now that's a weekly recap wrap! lol We had a lot going on that's for sure! What will this upcoming wk bring! lol
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