Here's the weekly recap for March Wk 2!! Can't believe another week has come and gone! Sadly I was sick most of the wk but that doesn't stop me from moving and shaking! Honz working on his furniture pallets day in and day out! He's been so busy with that process! Cute bestie selfie at the lunch table for Cash! Took my staff besties St Patty's days donuts on Friday! These donuts were super fun in all different shapes and décor for St Patty's day! My cutest Ruby- fur baby!! My emotional support when I was down and out the beginning of the wk sick! lol Love my fur baby!
Aggies are blooming!!! Penny's been working hard in Stuco! Planning and then dressing up for Spirit wk! Many late days getting ready for their spring assembly too! Can't believe we are ending 3rd quarter and going into the last 1uarter of her freshman year! How did that go so fast! Wow! Penny has also been having a ton of fun going to the Arbor Volleyball games! and even a surprise visit from Kaycee from Utah! Yayyyy!
Wrapping up all the school team sports!! Cash had his School Comp Basketball Banquette! He was the Captain on the team for the 2nd year in a row! They had an amazing season! So proud of my Eagles! Can't believe this is his last year playing for elementary! He will be in Middle School very soon! Can't believe it! His plan is to continue training all summer long to get ready for middle school ball! Also some pics of him headed off to golf practice! He is still doing his private lessons and loving it!
Another team sport wrapped up for the year!!! Piper had her End of Basketball Season- Cheer Banquette! She has absolutely loved being on the cheer team this year! She even got a trophy with her name on it and was beyond excited for that!! She loves that her gymnastics and tumbling can be incorporated with cheer! Yayyy! Thanks to all the coaches for an amazing season! She's also had her bestie from St George visiting all wk! These 2 non stopped played for days and sleep overs all wk long! They get a long so good and there's never any girl drama between these 2 which makes it so amazing! Piper sure loved having Kins in town all wk long!
Penny and her peeps! She's had several Permanent Bracelet appt this past wk! She sched and booked all them! Yayyyy! She literally had an apt or 3 every other day this wk! It's starting to warm up! So your wrists and ankles will start seeing the Sun!!! So the time is now to get yourself sched with Penny for all your permanent jewelry needs! lol She's also had a few nail apts too! Love my little self motivated business owner worker bee! Mama is proud of you! and of course weekend hang outs with her favorite Baddie Owen! He brings that Smile even bigger to her face! Love to see her so happy with him! Such a blast having the Utah besties in town to hang out with her friend group too! She also got invited to a Homie Home evening with her other awesome friend group! So Penny is being Penny! Hoping from one hang out to another! Loving and living her best life!
We even snuck in an Eddies at 11 with Ryan and snagged up Mav for the day!!! It was the best! and the Utah Besties loved hanging with Mav too! Cash had blast with Z and Ro all wk too! Love when the Utah Bestie Facers are in town to play!
Here's Saturday with Mav over and Penny's friend group! They pulled up to the church dance for a hot 20 min and left to come back to our house to watch scary movies and hot tub! It was Western theme at the church dance! This group of teens have so much fun! It really doesn't matter what they do they are always laughing, chatting and having the best time! Amazing group of kids and all Smiles!
Fun pics sent over from Cash's YM this wk! They went mini golfing at Angel Park!! Cash loved it! Also while the Utah Facers were in town they helped Cash put together an outdoor swing to sit over by the spa! They spent hrs putting this together! They worked so good together with no fighting lol! and completed this master piece! Wahoo I love it! It turned out amazing! Thank you boys so much! A much needed task to be done for a while now! I'm so happy they put it together for me! It's perfect!
Sunday Fun-day all decked out in our GREEN!!! St Patty's day was the very next day! So it was a must we were all in our green at church!! Cash did an amazing job passing the Sacrament as always! So proud of him! He loves doing it too so much! He's my church highlight every wk! Love watching him!
Well there's my weekly recap for March wk 2!!! We are onto Spring Break! Wahoo! So excited to have a wk off! Let's gooooo!
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