Thursday, July 25, 2013

Baby Cash is almost here!!

Oh Boy! Oh Boy!! From the start to almost the end we have been so Excited to get our little BOY here!!! It's been a long hard pregnancy from being in and out of the hospital for low amniotic fluid to surgery on my cervix to pre-term labor! Oh my! but at the end of it all it's so worth it! We have had many ups and downs with this one for sure! I was put on pelvic rest since 14wks because of my weak cervix to a full bed rest at 24 wks!  I'm so blessed to even be able to have another baby since what happened to me during Penny's delivery! Se we are so Lucky and this little Boy is meant for our little family!! I've been monitoring 2-3 times a wk! So my Dr. and my specialist have a very close eye on me! We are 2-3wks away from my delivery! I'm having a C-section this time!! We can't wait to meet and hold our precious little Cash Eric!!!

Sunday, July 14, 2013

2 BIG Birthday Celebrations!!!

Not 1 but 2 BIG Birthday Celebrations!!! My Honz has finally caught up to me! He turned the BIG 30 on Friday and Pretty Penny will be 3 the 21st of the month! So we had a BIG Birthday Party for the both!! Such a wonderful night with tons of family for BBQ-ing, swimming, piñatas, tons a surprises for little Penny, and 2 yummy Birthday cakes!! I can't believe another year has come and gone!! Why is my baby growing so fast!! We just love her fun excited full of personality self! Our life would be so boring with out her! We are truly lucky to have her as ours!! Happy 3rd Birthday our little Diva!! and as far my Honz goes...I'm the luckiest person in the world to have such a hard working supportive husband and best friend! I truly married my sole mate...the man of my dreams!! Happy 30th Birthday Honz!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Till we meet again!

Such a Beautiful Funeral Service for such a Beautiful women! So many stories and memories were shared about our little Grandma! She has lead such a legacy and we can only hope to continue to carry it on! Little grandma was such an amazing teacher, mother, wife, grandma, friend, and daughter of God! She held strong and firm to the iron rod and I know she has returned into our Heavenly Father's arms! What a life she has lead! We love you grandma! I know that we will all be with you again someday!

Friday, July 5, 2013

Happy 4th of July!!!

Happy 4th everyone! We had a great day just relaxing around with family!!
Penny got to swim! and we all LOVED the fireworks at the Red Rock! Just amazing!!!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

A Tribute To My Amazing Grandma Ence!

My sweet little Grandma passed away peacefully in her sleep last night! She was 98yrs old! She lived such an amazing beautiful life! She has set such an example to me! I can only hope to be like her! Grandma I love you so much and know that you were greeted with open arms from Grandpa and my mom! You are such an amazing women and daughter of God! Rest peacefully....till we meet again! I love you!

Penny's Swim Lessons!

Oh what an adventure swim lessons are!! Penny just had her 1st week of swim lessons with Miss Krista! So the top collage is from the 1st day! She was so excited! The first class went great until it was time to put her face in the water! Oh my...melt down the rest of class! She just was not going to do that and then wouldn't swim the rest of class! She said "I'm done" and got out of the pool found her towel and cried at the door where I was inside the house watching her from the window! Oh my! She has some sass!!  
Day 2: Started out strong them when it came time to putting her face in the water she just started crying! She knows "don't mess with pretty!" She got out of the pool again and just cried! Poor thing!! When we got home we practiced swimming in the tub! She did great and even put her face in the water over and over! So I guess she'll just do it on her own time!! Or when she feels brave enough!  
Day 3: I was a little nervous because I just figured it was going to be another day of melt downs! But she surprised me!! She hopped right in the pool and started swimming and putting her face in! Even her teacher was shocked!! I think little Penny was shocked too!! We couldn't believe it!! So after the whole week was said and done she finally Loved swimming! Now it's on to practicing so we don't have any set backs! No more swimming melt downs! haha! Such a memorable week!