Going to the Lake is always so FUN!! This was Cash's 1st Lake Trip and he loved it! He Loves the boat rides, falls right to sleep! He Loves the Sand...wouldn't stop eating it! and He Loves the Water...kept putting his face right in it and splashing it!! He was not afraid of anything out there! Penny had a Blast out there too! She is such a little fish!! She also went on her 1st Tube ride with daddy getting pulled by the Big Boat!! She Loved it!!! She doesn't seem to have any fear either!! I've got some dare devils on my hands!! They definitely don't get that from me! :) We love watching our kids have fun in the sun!!!
Friday, June 27, 2014
Friday, June 20, 2014
Emma's 4th Birthday Party!!
My sweet little niece Emma had her 4th Birthday!! and she had a Frozen Birthday Party!! Penny just loves her bff Emma!! They have gotten so close and I just love it! They play so good together! Emma is really just a little peacemaker! She is always looking out to help Penny! It's so sweet!

Penny had such a blast at Emma's Frozen Birthday Party! She keeps asking "is my best friend Emma having another Frozen Party today?" It's so funny! I love that these 2 cuties are only a month a part! They will always be so close!!! We love you Emma Rose!!! We can't believe you are 4!!!
Happy Father's Day to the Best!!!
These 2 kids are the luckiest kids I know because they have the BEST Daddy in the World!! Giving them hugs and kisses over and over! Always making them feel so special and telling them how much he Loves them! Making them laugh until their bellies hurt! Holding them tight when they fall, cry or get their feelings hurt! Loving them to no end! Teaching them the importance of life! He makes us feel safe! He is our strength! He is our rock! He is the one that makes everything possible in every way! He works so hard with crazy hours so we can play hard! He is the ultimate dad!!! and I'm the Lucky one to have found him! I love you honz!!! Thanks for holding us together!!!
Happy Cashy is 10mons!!!
Can't believe our sweetest little boy Cashy is 10mons!!! The 2nd child does go by so fast!! I hate it!! I need my baby to stay a baby forever!!!!! He is on the move and he is fast now!!! He's crawling so good now..no inch worm to get around!! He also can pull himself up to a stand to anything! He's taking little steps along the furniture! My favorite is when he goes from a crawl position to a sit position! It so dang cute! His little face! He's gets so excited! He's just the happiest little boy! He still has NO teeth! He's definitely following rt after his sister! But that doesn't stop him from eating! He's our little piggy! Still allergic to dairy, soy and corn but he loves to eat the foods that he can! and He pounds it! :) We just love this little boy so much!! He brings so much joy to our little family!!
Fun times with the Aunties!
Look who came into town to visit!!! Auntie Eryn!! Yay!! It was a quick couple of days but I loved that she got to stay at my house! Penny Loves Auntie Eryn so much!! We had such a fun time together!
On one of the days she was here we went to Wet n Wild!! Eryka came down with her boys and we picked up Chance to come play with us too! We had such a fun day! Penny and I have season passes to Wet n Wild and we have been having a blast there so we had take the Aunties and cousins there!! We had a blast! I loving being with my sisters! It's truly the best!!
Penny's 1st Talk in Primary!
Somebody Special gave her very 1st talk in Primary! Her talk was on "Temples make it possible for families to be together forever!" She was so excited to get to talk in the microphone in primary! She's so funny! She did the best job!! She was so brave and spoke right in that microphone as clear as can be! I can't believe how big she's getting! So proud of my little angel!
Penny's Big Performances!
Penny has been in a singing group all year long call The Singer's Company! She just recently had her last 2 performances for the year! She has Loved this singing class so much! She has made so many amazing cute friends and has had the very Best teacher Miss Brittany! Their theme for these performances was "A Night At The Movies!" Penny has Loved singing these fun songs and I have loved hearing here sing these fun songs every where we go! She just Loves to sing and dance and perform! She had a speaking part that introduced the Tarzan Movie Song "Wrecking Camp" and she had a Solo in the High School Musical Song "Together, Together!" She had memorized them and practiced them so good! She rocked out both!! We were proud parents in the audience for sure! :) Just Love my little performer!
This collage is from her 1st performance at the Assisted Living place! Her facial expressions and actions just crack me up!
Just look at her singing away! She was so into to it!!! I love it!!! Makes me Smile from ear to ear!! These pictures were from the song "Tomorrow" from the movie Annie! and what I love most is that I used to perform this song all the time when I was little! She just make me so proud! My little singer!
This collage is from her 2nd performance. She performed for her friends and family and boy did she put on the best little show for her friends and family!! I love it!! She has the Best Personality!!
Thanks to all our amazing family that came to see Penny perform!! She loved seeing you out in the crowd! She keeps talking about who came and saw her perform! So sweet! So you totally made her feel so special! Love you all so much!
Here's Penny with the very best Teacher Miss Brittany!! We just love her! She is so patient with all the girls and teaches them so good!! Penny just has so much fun in her class! Penny can't wait till Singer's Company starts up again!!
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