Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Most Amazing Adventure To Santa!

Oh what an adventure it was to see Santa!! The coolest most amazing Santa experience is at the Fashion Show Mall! Oh my goodness!! The display alone will take your breath away!! It even SNOWS while your waiting in line! Shrek, Donkey and Princess Fiona were there too!! So awesome!! You go through the house to get to the North Pole with Shrek and the gang to get to Santa!! Quite the exciting fun adventure!! The kids were loving it!! Then you get to the door to see Santa....the door opened and Santa said "Well hello Penny it's so good to see you! I'm so happy you came to see me!" Penny was in awe!! She ran right up to him and gave him a Huge HUG and sat right next to him on the couch! Then Santa said "Well there's little came to see me too!" Penny is still in awe that Santa knows their names and did not move from his side! Now as for Cash....he wasn't so sure about Santa! We put him up on Santa's lap and he started to cry and cry! He stopped crying as soon as daddy sat next to Santa on the couch but he still did not want to sit on Santa's lap!! haha!! Santa leaned down and asked Penny what she wanted for Christmas and she said the "doc mobile" from Doc McStuffins!! She's been wanting this for a looooooong time! haha! Then Santa whispered in her ear "Do you know what Penny?...YOU are on the Good list so You just may get that Doc Mobile!" She started to giggle and smiled so Big!! That was the most Amazing Sweet Santa I have ever seen!!
As we were walking out Penny said to me with her big eyes and serious voice "mommy that was the Real Santa because he knew my name and he whispered in my ear that I was on the good list!" My heart was bursting with joy!!!  Talk about Christmas Magic happening right before my eyes!! She sure Loves Santa!!! haha! I love this time of year for making memories and traditions!!! This Adventure to Santa is our new tradition!!! Best Santa experience in town!! Can't wait to go back next year! Now lets hope Cash isn't so scared!! haha!  :)

Friday, November 21, 2014

Catch Me If You Can!!

 Catch me if you can is the name of the game for this 15mon boy!! Boy oh boy is he on the move now!! I knew that at any time he was just going to stand right up and take off running!! So yes he has mastered his walking skills... that he is now just a shuffling his feet so fast to a run!! He almost scares us sometimes because we forget he can move that fast and he's right there when you turn around!! There's even been a few times that Penny and I have jumped and screamed out because he was right there!! haha! He just thinks that's the funniest too!! Well along with mastering his walking skills he continues to climb!! This as I've mentioned before in a previous post I'm not used too!! Penny was not a climber!! So this is new to us!! and he especially likes to climb when he gets the chance to go out in the garage!! It's hard to find that little guy sometimes! haha! As these months go by his little personality continues to develop and boy has ha developed quite a Stubborn and very determined one!! If there's something he wants he will let you know! He does not like it when his Fun comes to an end when it's something he's not supposed to be playing with or be into!! He's so head strong that I can't even distract him to change his mind from it! Now Penny was stubborn at this age but I could easily change her mind with a little song or show her something new! haha! So this is going to be fun for me! haha! but on the flip side he's my happy boy! My little tease! Sometimes even a little Shy! Wait...what...we have a Shy child? Yep that's right! If he doesn't know you or hasn't seen you in a while he's definitely shy when seeing you!! He loves to be chased! He waits for you to come get him and then he takes off! haha! He loves his big sissy!! They play so cute together! They wrestle and roll around! They sing together! Oh they just melt my heart! He's been loving Balls...kicking and throwing is what he does over and over smiling and laughing!! He loves books too!! He loves carrying them around, opening and closing them, flipping through the pages acting like he's reading! It's so dang cute! He loves when you read to him...especially when Penny reads to him!! He will just sit still and listen to her!!! The Sweetest!! Penny is so good to him! Truly the best big sister!! But I think hands down Cash's favorite thing right now is his Daddy!!! If he hears or sees daddy it's all over!! He only wants his daddy! It so sweet!! Now of course Daddy is just eating this up and I'm loving it too because mommy gets a little break! haha! He's talking more and somebody got 2 more teeth!! His top 2 front teeth are just breaking through now!! It's just the best to watch him eat using his new little teeth!! He's still mommy's little piggy! He loves to eat! He won't turn anything down! haha! He sure does love his blankey!! He snuggles it, sniffs it, and drags it around everywhere! It just melts my heart!! It just so sweet how much he loves his blankey!! It's been such a busy month with such a busy boy! He has learned so much! Can't wait to see what he will doing the next month!! Getting to big!! Our cheeks hurt from Smiling so BIG!! You make us so Happy little Cashy!!! We sure love you!!

Monday, November 3, 2014

Happy Halloween at the Sand Dunes!

Yes it's that time of year again and the Sand Dune season has officially started!! This was the first time we have gone out for Halloween!! Wow what an experience this is!! There were a ton of people out there! It was a little windy for my liking but the temp was good!! So we enjoyed celebrating everything Halloween all weekend long! We carved pumpkins!
The boys became the "Headless Four wheelers!" Instead of the "Headless Horseman!" lol! Oh my that was hilarious!! Instead of carving their pumpkins to sit in the sand with a candle they wanted to wear their Pumpkins like Helmets! haha! They rode around from camp to camp and people would just stop and stare! It was quite a sight to see! hahaha! Soooo Funny!!!
Once the sun set it was time to get into our Costumes and go Trick or Treating from camp to camp!! WOW! and let me just tell you these people out there go all out!! They decorate more out at the dunes than I would even at my house! It was Awesome!! They made Haunted house, mazes, fog, scary masks, you name it it was out there and it was scary! haha!! Penny half the time didn't want to get out of the truck to go get her candy it was so scary!! haha! What an adventure!!
and of course tons of riding!! This was Cash's 1st experience riding with daddy and he LOVED it!! He did not want to get off! He cried and cried! He just wanted to ride with his daddy all day long! So sweet!!  

Happy Halloween with Woody and Jesse!!

 Well Howdy Partner and Happy Halloween from the cutest Woody and Jesse ever!! Oh my goodness these 2 just make my heart burst with joy! They are just so dang cute I can barely handle it!! This is all I have ever wanted to do is dress my kids up matching!! haha!!! Penny is such a good sport too! She really wanted to be Elsa but being the sweetest best girl ever she was Jesse just for me!! I love her!! She makes her mommy so happy!! She loved matching her brother!! Once I got them all dressed up into their costumes she thought it was so funny!!! She did get to be Elsa at her school party and she Loved that too! 

Pumpkin Carving Fun!!

It's already been a busy October full of fun fall festivities and these pics are from our Pumpkin Carving night at Uncle Jeff & Auntie K's new house! It's always so fun to get together as a family especially when we are doing fun things!! Penny picked out a spooky spider for her daddy to carve out!! It turned out great! She was so Proud of it too!! :)

Pumpkin Patch Field Trip!!

I'm pretty sure we have hit up every pumpkin patch in town this year!! haha! At Penny's little school they got to go to the Pumpkin Patch for a field trip! It was so awesome! They were only open for Penny's little school! So there was no lines and unlimited riding! They had the cutest little petting zoo that Penny just loved! She just loves animals! She also loves going to school and just loves all her little friends! She wasn't the only one that had a blast at the pumpkin patch....little Cash got to go on his very first ride! The Swings!! He absolutely LOVED it and didn't want to get off!! After the pumpkin patch they got to go as a class to the Grape Street Café to make Pizzas! Penny had so much FUN!!! Such a great day! We just Love Miss McIntyre's class!