The Best day of the Year!! Merry Christmas!!! The only thing better than being a kid on Christmas is having kids on Christmas!! The night before all the kids get to sleep in my room! That way there's close monitor on the sneaking out! lol! There's none of that going on over here until we are all ready for the day! It's tradition! Been doing that my whole life! We get up and get ready for the day! Then line up in ages so we can see how much they have grown! The kids are such good sports! They don't know any better! lol! Then we film them running down the hall to see if Santa came!! And you know he did! Santa is the best!! I love catching their reaction to all their surprises!

Little Miss Penny Pie has been good this year!! New desk top computer from Santa and a squishmallow! She got so many other fun surprises too! Lots of craft sets! Bracelet making kits! Resin making kit! A Mini Fridge! A Makeup face manikin to practice makeup on over and over! Makeup artistry runs in the family! lol Tons of different eyeshadows to play around with color on the manikin! Pop- its! Tom Holland phone case and sequin pillow case! New leopard vans and white combat boots! New minky! And she loves Melissa and Doug stuff so a few more sets of that! She's easy and fun to buy for!! She's just the best! Gets excited over everything!

Cashy Boy has been a good boy this year!!! Santa brought him an Xbox, Xbox games and controllers! Wahoo! HE also got Tex the squishmallow taco! lol He got more fun surprises too! More xbox games! Swtitch games and new controllers! New Cactus Vans! New boots to match daddy! He freaked when he saw those! Clothes! New chains! Remote control cars! New Vans inspired Minky! Pop- its! Golf practice set! Hot wheels and mini finger skate boards set! He made out good this year! Love this boy and his excitement for life! Always wants to have fun!!

Little Miss Piper Rae has been goo this year too! Santa found her and brought her pretend play Pet vet and grooming set! She also got a squishmallow too! She would get so excited over every present! She got so many fun toys and art sets! She got a new baby and tons of new baby clothes! She also loves to play with Penny's American girl doll and got so many new outfits and accessories for that too! Pop-its! New purse! A balloon dog! That is just the cutest! New tie dye cotton candy minky! New minky unicorn sleeping bag too! Bath bombs! A few Melissa and Doug vet and grooming and treat sets to go with her new station! Except she played with Ruby in the pet vet and grooming station! Sweet little Ruby is just so good an let's her play and play with her as the real life animal! lol Instead of the pretend animals! lol She's just too fun to buy for! So much excitement behind those eyes and smile!

Me and my honz! We made out good too! I got the new entertainment center plus 2 new coach bags! Mac makeup! Budha Girl bracelets! Aloha hip pack! Lululemon stuff too! New sunglasses for both Chad and I! and New tumblers too for the both of us! Chad got new clothes! High end jeans! lol Versace Cologne! Cloud White adidas Shoes! Head lamps! Oh and we both each got a hugs minky! Piper made us the cutest calendar from school as our Christmas gift! She as so very proud of it! Loved it so much! We spoiled our selves this year for sure! lol

Such a great day together! Spent it unwrapping and then unpackaging each thing! Even ran out of batteries! lol Thank you Auntie Eryn and Joanna for the money! The kids were so hyped about that! The first year with out daddy calling and wishing us a Merry Christmas! He was always the first call bright and early each year! Instead my uncle Jim (daddy's brother) called us bright an early and it just made my day! Was not expecting that and it just was the sweetest to heat his voice! Sounds a lot like daddy!
Then Honz pulled out another surprise! A new dirt bike for the kids! Cash quickly changed into his new riding gear and was out riding it in the streets! You can see the child that will use this surprise the most! lol The kids are all so hyped to get out to the dunes now!! lol
For Christmas Dinner we started a new tradition! We always went to Chad's uncle Troy and Erin's house but this year they moved to Cedar so we couldn't have Christmas dinner with them so we started a new tradition and had dinner and our bff neighbors... the Decker's! Chad cooked the most amazing prime rib! and Jackie did all the sides! We had a wonderful afternoon and evening together! Seriously the best! Love them so much! They not only are the best neighbors but they have become our very bestest friends ever! We love any and every time together with them especially on Christmas!
WOW! What an amazing day together! I love my little family so much! It's always sad when the day has to come to an end! Now that's the Merriest Christmas day!!!!