Thursday: Day 1 Rodeo!!! We are beyond excited for the Clark county Fair and rodeo to be back out in Logandale!! and Can you guess who was put on the Clark County Fair Board of operations! My Honz!! Of course Chad is! lol He is the Vice President of the Clark County Fair!! Wowza!! He has been working all year with his team to get this Fair on!! It was amazing!! New sponsors! The best turn out of people all weekend long! The Rodeo was sold out every night too! Exceeded their expectations for the 1st year back in motion since the 2 year shut down of covid! Boy are we so grateful and happy the fair is back!! My honz has been busy and was super busy the week of the fair! He loved every minute of it!!! So proud of him and his dedication to serve! He loves people! and He loves to help people! He's the mayor of "helper ville!" lol We also call him the "Grand Master!" Such a phenomenal Fair! So proud of my honz!!!
This was the first time we have been out to the fair on a Thursday night! Well Chad had been there all week putting the final touches together! We arrived set up our trailer and immediately began buying the fair food and treats! lol Then enjoyed the Rodeo!
Friday: Day 2 Fair, Carnival and Rodeo! Chad was up every morning at 6am to drive the water truck around the fair grounds, carnival, all parking lots to reduce dust! The rest of us woke up and went to Chad's dad for breakfast!! Thank you so much Jeff and Vicki for the yummy food! From there we were on the fair grounds right when the gate opened!
Friday: arriving to the fair grounds! Walking around eating and shopping the booths!
Also love the animals! Mama pig had 12 piglets this year! Can't believe it! We all cast our vote as to how many she would have and Penny guessed it! I though she was way too high! I guessed 6 lol! I was the one way off! lol
From checking out the animals we hit up the carnival! Git our wristbands on and away we went! lol This is my most favorite! Love those carni rides and games! lol

We took a break from the carnival rides to hear Penny singing the National Anthem at the Mutton Bustin arena! When I checked her in for her singing I also asked if Cash could ride a sheep! They said yes and added him straight on the line up! He was pumped up and ready to ride!!! Hang on and don't let got for nothing! Penny of course nailed it! She did so amazing singing! Her voice is powerful and amazing! So proud of her! Cash was then up! He did amazing! Did not let go until he was knocked out by the sheep trying to jump the fence with him still on it's back and slammed Cash into the fence causing him to hit his body so hard against the fence knocking him out! He laid like a limp fish after the impact! I of course was a hot mess trying to get out to my boy! His shoulder took the hardest hit! He has bruising on his shoulder, hip and legs! He made 2nd place! He they could move on to the championship run if he wanted to do it again after his hit! Well he wasn't quitting! He wanted to do the championship run! Can't believe it! He is one tough little dude!

In between the 2 mutton bustin the kids did the bungi jumping! Penny was doing flips over and over! Cash got 1 flip in! Piper just jumped up and down! lol They all loved it!
It was championship time for Cash's mutton bustin! So brave! and I'm sure so sore! That was not stopping him! HE did great! He took 4th! Way to go!!! So proud of him! He was definitely sore as the the day went on! Poor guy!
Rodeo time!! We loved it!! Every night is so good!!!!
When the Rodeo ended it was time to shut the fair down!!! So much cooler and no lines!! We had a blast!!! Running from ride to ride! I love my people!!!
Saturday: Day 3: Fair, Carnival and Rodeo! Breakfast again at Grandpa Jeff's!! Then we started the day at the carnival! We knew Saturday was going to be a hot one and so busy! So we got a jump start on our carni rides! lol So many friends and cousins joined us for the day! We planted ourselves in the grass and under a big tree for lost of shade all day!

Then it was Penny's time to sing again over a the Mutton Bustin arena!!! Piper also wanted to Mutton Bust just like her big brother! lol So I got her added to the line up!! Penny of course rocked the National Anthem! Her voice is pure and perfection! Proud mama over here!! The crowd was roaring for her! Way to go Penny!! Next up.... Piper! This was her first time Mutton Bustin! She wasn't nervous or scared at all! Especially after seeing Cash go into the fence the day before! lol She held on tight for about 3 secs! lol She fell off and got up crying and waiving at us! I think coming off the sheep is was scared her! lol She took 6th place! Awesome Piper for your 1st time! She said she wants to do it again next year! We shall see! lol Love these brave kids of mine!!!!
Fair fun with all our friends and family!!
When you're having fun the day flew by fast!! It's Rodeo time!! We love the rodeo! This was our 3rd night!!! So exciting and fun every time! The kids get way into it too!! We much on kettle corn and cotton candy!! lol
After the rodeo we get more fair food and hit the carnival back up!!! No lines and much cooler! We must shut the fair down! Mel and I played carni games! We had a blast!!! Look at all our winnings! lol After game playing we shut the carnival down riding rides!!!!
Sunday: The fun has ended! lol We got up and packed up and I headed home with Cash and Piper! I needed to be at church so I needed to get on the road back home! Chad and Penny stayed to start taking down the fair! Remember Chad's on the board! lol He's the busy one!
So I made it home went to church then got a wild hair to go back out to the fair to watch the last night of the rodeo! I called up my bestie Bre and told she had 20 mins to gather the children and be ready! I was picking her up to go to the Rodeo! lol We had a blast! The kids had so much fun being together at the rodeo! Penny even fed the rodeo clown nachos! Too funny!

Then the Rodeo Clown Cody asked me if the kids could be in a dance off on tv! Of course I said Heck Yes! My kids have been watching the rodeo for the last 4 nights and were dying to get down there with the Clown Cody! lol Sure enough they jumped the fence and went into the dirt arena! Music started popping and the kids starting dancing and doing their tricks! It was so funny! Piper was doing her crazy flexible splits! Cash was doing the worm! and Penny was doing her round off front hand spring! lol Pulling it all out for the dance off! The kids loved that they were on tv and the Rodeo Clown Cody told them they were all famous now! They were so excited and hyped!! Too much fun!
We loved out night together! More food and cotton candy!
Bre thanks for being so spontaneous and coming with me! We had such a wonderful time together! Such an amazing Fair and Rodeo weekend! Never want the fun to stop! lol
Me, Cash and Piper left after the Rodeo again and Penny stayed with Chad to keep helping! They stayed all the way through Monday night! Busy little helpers all day long! I'm so grateful for them! They are such hard workers! They did not stop!!! Penny had the best time helping her daddy! She said they ate a ton and worked a ton! lol I love these 2 so much!!!
We are so happy the fair is back! I'm so happy my honz is part of making it happen for the fair! He's the best grand master ever! lol The fair was a huge success! Can't wait till next year!