Our annual beautiful San Diego trip never disappoints! We love to finish October with our long Nevada weekend down playing in San Diego! Same amazing trip! Only change is the kids are getting bigger! Day 1: Friday! 1st stop the Zoo! We love the zoo! It was a beautiful day to enjoy all the amazing animals! The kids had a blast! Piper was really into it loving all the animals!
We did the fly over sky tram! So fun! The kids loved it!!

Such a fun group together! Great friends and families! Cash loved the Lions, Leopards and Tigers best!!!
Penny loved the elephants! :)
It's tradition for all the kids and Ryan to climb the giant camel statue! Still doing it! It's fun to go back and see the same pic each year how much the kids have grown!

Piper loved the Kawallas and everything at the zoo! lol

I loved the leopard, jaguar and giraffes the most! Their fur patterns are unreal in life! My eyes just love it! lol Gift shop for all to get a stuffy! and you can see who was whipped out first! My honz! lol
Day 2: Saturday! Sea World! It has been a few years since we had been to Sea World! Piper didn't even remember going there! She was probably 1-2yrs old las time there! Wow! Can't believe it!
We loved all the rides! They even had a few new rides! They were insane crazy good! High tech and so smooth to ride on! So much fun!
More rides! and tons of eating! lol Ryan and Honz both bought the food wrist band! So they could eat every hour for free all day! lol So we definitely ate all day long! Got the best use out of that wrist band! lol
Dolphin show!! Piper was in awe over the shows! She loved it! Kept squealing out in amazement! We all loved the shows but it was the best and so fun to watch the shows through Piper's eyes!
Shamu show!! Again the best watching it through Piper's eyes! She loved every min of every show! truly the greatest!
More exhibits and rides! Having the best day!
Non stop fun and non stop eating! lol We ate till the park closed! lol Shut that place down!
Day 3: Sunday! Normally we get up.. check out of our hotel.. and on the road back home we go but this time we stayed in Sand Diego and went to the USS Midway Tour! Freakn amazing! Highly recommend this to all! Kids are free in October to go! So it was good prices fun!
Seriously so cool! It's is a self guided tour through the big ship! We got to see where the jets land and take off- Flight deck! The hanger deck! and the Bottom Deck that toured in and out of the ship! Teaching us all the amazing things at sea! What they ate! Where they slept! Captains chair! It was totally awesome!
Jets, Planes, and Helicopters every where! You could even climb into them and pretend you were flying it! Total Top Gun Vides! We even took a few pictures next to Maverick and Goose's Jet! My kids were hyped for that! We love Top Gun!
So informational! Definitely proud to be an American!
Pics from inside! It was a maze! There is no way I could have lived on there! lol I would have never been able to find my way around there! lol
We learned so much about the USS Midway! The kids even earned Jr Pilot Wings! They were so proud and excited for those wings! Such a wonderful day together! So glad we spent the hours there! Totally worth it! Now it was time to head home! San Diego we will be back again next year! Our annual tradition vacation!