To add to Summer Fun wk 4 Penny and I spent most the week together for YW Girls Camp!! I had the amazing opportunity to go as a leader! Penny loved that I was able to go! This was Penny's 2nd year going as well! We left Wed early morning and headed to the Cedar City Temple! The girls got the chance to do Temple work there with the ym! After the temple we met at a church to change, eat lunch and play games!
Here's the pics from our church stop for lunch and games!
After lunch we stayed in Cedar City! We had to get Swig! That's all the girls wanted! lol Then went to the ropes course led by the SUU College!
The ropes course were Super fun team challenges! Penny's team worked very well together and were so smart as a team!! BIG Brain! They were the only team to complete all the challenges in the allotted time frame! Wahoo!
After the ropes course we headed to our final destination which was the Hirschi Ranch in New Harmony! This is where we spent the rest of our camp time! The ranch was absolutely beautiful! The girls got settled into their tents! Me too!! Can't believe I was camping in a tent!!
We got settled! Spent the rest of the day playing games around camp! Eating! and finished off the night with a Star Gazing Devotional! Day one down! Loved watching the bonds of the girls form! The unity! The love! The spirit! We were off to great start!
Day 2- Thursday! The YM met back up with us for breakfast! Then we headed over for our Hike! It was over a 6mile hike round trip in water, rocks, and trees! Say what!!!! What am I doing! lol Holy moly! If you know me you know I don't hike! lol It was hard, cold, and challenging but wow It was a beautiful hike!! So gorgeous! Weather was perfect! The water we walked in most the hike was freezing and numbing but honestly so worth it! Your body just gets used to it and you keep pushing along! Thanks to my very good friend Melissa she got me through it! The kids had a blast! Some struggled and some breezed through it like nothing! lol To be young and fit! lol
So worth it! It was incredible! I'm so happy I pushed myself to get out and hike it! It was amazing!! I can do hard things! :)
Back at the ranch the youth kayaked and fished! Penny loved this so much! In fact she spent most of her down time fishing at the pond! We did a rocking picking and giving of our favorite things each day! This was my highlight! I would get so excited as to who's rock I would pull out! I loved giving my surprise to them as well! So much fun! The girls all really loved this! It was fun getting to know them with what their favorite things were that they gave out!

Ended the evening with a Unity Devotional and unity games! The girls had a blast working together with all the different games! The highlight was building a boat out of boxes and duck tape! Once completed they had to put one team member in the boat and 2 others push the boat across the pond! You wanted your boat to float and get to the other side the quickest! Holy moly that was fun to watch! Penny's team boat sank but they still pushed her and swam to the other side! They did not win but had so much fun laughing!!! I'm laughing typing it out! It was a good time! The girls bonded for sure on this one!

To end the night we surprised the girls with a Glow Dance Party! They were so surprised and absolutely loved it!! The leaders all dressed in black and taped glow sticks on us to look like stick figures and danced the macarena! lol So much fun! I worked with the best leaders! They are always up for some fun!! Such good sports! I was one of the leaders in charge of this! You know it! I love a good dance party! and if it's lighting up and glowing! I'm so in! lol I had a hay day buying all the led light up accessories! lol It was the best night!! Unity all around!!

It was an epic dance party night! The girls had a blast!!

Day 3- Friday! This day we had different stations set up all around the ranch!! Zip Line! Kayaking! and Making beanies for NICU Babies! This was our service project! The girls made so many cute beanies for the babies! The really enjoyed picking out the different yarn colors! So special!
The other stations were Shooting and Painting! Penny had a blast at each station! Her fave was the zip line!! :) I loved being the floater taking all the pics of all the girls at each station!

To end our Friday night Sis Dixon planned a night hike! The night hike was based off of burdens, struggles and trials! The girls followed along a candle light hike and came across different stops. At each stop the girls were given rocks to carry and a burden, struggle and trial. At each stop the rocks got heavier and they had to carry them along the hike! The hike was challenging! It was dark and cold! The girls had to walk through water too not knowing how deep it was! It was freezing water too! At the last stop the Bishopric was there for the girls to give their burdens, struggles and trials (the rocks) to them. It was much easier for them to walk now. The girls then followed the Bishopric to the final stop on the hike where there was a giant picture of Jesus. Each girl got to get their rocks and place them at the Saviors feet! It was such an emotional and spiritual night. The girls and leaders were then handed notes from their loved ones. This followed right into the testimony meeting! We were all sobbing! The spirit was so strong! Each of us grew closer to each other and our Savior! Oh what a night!
Day 4- Saturday! We got up and packed up! The YCL's passed out awards! Too fun! I got the "Extraaaa" award! Extaaaa in a good way! lol Penny got "Who let the dogs out" award! lol She doesn't not like feet and always made comments to the girls if they had their dogs out! lol We headed off the mountain to home! Such an uplifting 4 days! New friendships and bonds were made and the original bonds only got stronger! Spiritually fed all week too! Thank you to all the wonderful leaders for making it the best YW camp yet! I sure loved being with my sweet Penny and being an extra mom to all the girls! Such an amazing time! And that's a wrap!