Saturday, August 13, 2022

1st Day of School for all!!!

The day has come! School is back in session! We had such a wonderful packed full of fun summer but it is time to start back to the school grind!! Penny is off to 7th grade! Has 7 teachers and is ready to hit it hard! She loves being involved in the school! She is super eager and excited to go!!! She cant' wait to see al her friends and make new ones along the way! So proud of the sweet and responsible young women she is turning into! "Have courage and be kind" has been our little motto since kindergarten everyday as she heads off to school! and That's just her! She has courage! and she is kind! Love you Penny! You got this! 7th grade here you come!!! She seriously is beautiful inside and out! 
My Cash Money!!! He's always ready for the day! Wakes up early with a smile on his face! He is a mini me through in through! My little sunshine! This oh so cool all boy of mine is off to 3rd grade! Mrs. Anderson! He loves style! and boy does he have it! Rocking his gold chain and Jordon's 1st day out the gate! lol He cant wait to get to school to see all his friends! He is a day maker! Go out there son and make it happen! You are already killing it! Ready or not 3rd Grade here he comes!!!!
Oh my baby girl! My side kick! How is it already time for Piper to go off to school! WOW! She is starting Kindergarten with Mrs. Mourra! She couldn't wait to finally get to wear her school uniform! She said she has been waiting for years! lol Love her! This one is my honey badger! She doesn't let others or things effect her to  much! lol She is quiet and  sweet and salty!! Big girl status over here! Always posing for the pics too! Like I tell Penny have courage and be kind! You got this little Piper! Watch out Kindergarten! Here she comes! Wow! I really can't believe it!
They have my heart! and they are ready to go!!! Go Eagles!!! It's going to be a great school year! Just look at those faces! 
Oh wait!!! Look who else started school!!!! ME!!!! My 1st day as the SPED IA of 5th grade! It's been a whirl wind of excitement and decision making over here! But I'm happy to announce I accepted a new job at my kids school! You know I'm a busy body! I was worried about what I would do while all the kids are gone and since Piper starts kinder all day soooooooo I got another job! lol and You know I also love to follow my kids around!! Love being involved with them! Always got 1 eye on them and now at school! lol My kids are beyond excited! Like so freakn excited that I'm at their school! Penny sees me only a couple times from a far because she is in the other building! You know big girl status for her! But what is the best is that when she does spot me she gets so excited to see me and makes sure to get my attention and waves hi to me! She still loves me folks! lol She has told all her friends I work at the school too! She is so proud of me! Makes my heart so happy! I'm so grateful for the opportunity to be apart of the Somerset Sky Pointe team! I'm eager to get to working! This is going to be such a fun and new adventure! Let's gooooooooooo! The collage is me at my new desk! Me getting my id badge! My New keys! My office door! Penny bead dazzled my name for me too for the door! love her and my sign so much! Seriously the perfect mom job! I work the same hours as my kids! It's going to be awesome! Then I can still be mom when school is out each day and keep up with the mom duties!! 
Lucky me! Since I started on the kids first day of school I got to walk them both into their classes and take more pics! lol So these Pics are from the first day of school! The kids at their desk in their uniforms! Cash at my desk! lol and Cash's classroom pic of all the kids in his class! Mrs. Anderson is the best!!! It was a great first day by all! 
Well since we all had such a great day and Cash's actual birthday is the next day the 2nd day of school I decided to surprise them and take them to Build a Bear to celebrate! They were so exited and so happy! I love to see the joy of pure happiness through their eyes!  Piper got a cute leopard Cat! Cash got the limited edition Baby Yoda! They love this place! Penny got 2 blind bag balls -the mini brand food edition and her Gatorade pop juice things! lol Happy 1st day success and Happy Birthday Cashy! It was a great day!!!


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