Saturday, August 13, 2022

Meet & Greet!

The kids Teachers were sent out and man oh man were they excited for their new teachers! They couldn't wait for the meet and greet! Can't believe my Piper is starting Kindergarten! It's full day too! Piper was so excited to get Mrs. Mourra as her teacher! That was her favorite when she was at kinder round up! I love Mrs. Mourra too so I'm super excited Piper gets to have the best kinder teacher ever!! Wahoo! She found her seat! and did a treasure hunt in her classroom! She loved it! She also got to meet a few of her specials teachers! Mrs. Kelley for music and Mrs. Justice for computer class! She was in heaven! She has been wanting to go to the "big kid" school for a long time!
Cash is starting 3rd grade! He got Mrs. Anderson! He was so excited to meet her but first he had to go around to all of his previous teachers to say hi, hug them and get a pic! He's the best! My happy social butterfly! We made it to meet Mrs. Anderson! Wahoo! She is the coolest and so much fun! Great personality! Just what Cash needs! :) Cash loves his seat in the classroom! Right up front in the middle of all the action! Cash is so excited for 3rd grade! Big girl Penny doesn't get a meet and greet! But she is super excited for al 7 of her teachers and classes! She loved going around seeing all her old teachers too! Mrs. Skelton was on the top of her list to say hi and give a big hug too! Such a fun day! We love meeting the kids new teachers! They are ready to start!!!! Lets go Eagles!!!

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