Merry Christmas everyone!! So here's our Wonderful Fun Christmas in one BIG Nutshell!! It was another fun busy holiday!! To kick off the festivities on Friday Christmas eve eve...We went to my Dad & Janeen's for some yummy dinner and present fun for all the grand kids!!

On Christmas Eve! We headed over to Chad's dad and Vicki's new home!! We sat around and ate...and ate...and ate!! We had a great time talking and lauging!...

Then it was off to Nanny Debbie's!! This a tradition to go to Em's mom's house for some amazing food and of course SANTA!!!! Santa comes every year to get us all ready for Christmas morning!! Penny of course wouldn't go near him!! She Screamed out and it wasn't for JOY!! haha! There's always next year!!!

On Christmas morning!! Boy did SANTA find sweet little Penny!!! He spoiled her rotten!!! She was so Surprised of all her New Toys!! She kept "ooooing and ahhhhing"! She has the cutest personality! She is just the BEST!! As soon as she hit the bottom of the stairs she Skipped right on over to all her new Santa toys and jumped on her new 4 wheeler!!! She was just so excited!! Then hopped off that and jumped in her Babies Play Crib with the Baby next to her saying "nigh...nigh!" So Hilarious!! Then she finally realized the Bubblegum Pink Play Kitchen!! Oh my!! Now on to unwrapping presents! She sure has that down! WOW! They learn fast!! She would "ooooh...ahhhh" every time she got the wrapping paper off! Oh! and I got a new purse and Chad got the new 4s Iphone! So We really had the perfect Christmas!!

Now it was time to head to DeeDee's! It's Tradition to have a huge breakfast! The big hit is the Scones!! YUM!! Then it was present time!! Penny opened all of hers and everyone else's!! We couldn't keep her away!!! She Loves Surprises!!! Don't we all!!!

And to end the Amazing day we met up with all my Family at Ryan and Em's! We ate again! Opened more Presents and finished with watching Old Home Videos on the Beta Machine! (that's how old these family videos are...) It's the best to see mom in them! I think this is why we always watch them on Christmas cause we are all together and wish so much that she could be here with us!! So instead of making new ones we watch old ones of her!!! We love you mom and miss you so much...especially around this time of year!!!
So all in all...it was a Fabulous Christmas Nutshell!!! Another Amazing year came and gone so quick!! Can't wait till next year!!!