Sunday, October 16, 2022

Ence Quail Hunt!

Here's where Cash was! On the Ence quail hunt with daddy! Some traditions never die and I love that! I'm talking about the Ence quail hunt! Generations and generations of Ence's have been doing this hunt and I love that it just keeps happening! 1 time a year on the same weekend every year! Chad and Cash's favorite guys trip! So many stories, hunting, cooking and laughing! It's so good for boys to be boys! lol They didn't see very many birds but that didn't stop them from having a great time together! They even got rained on, stormed on and then the rain washed them out! They actually packed up a whole day early because the storm was so bad! Washing their camp and rodes right out! Super crazy and scary! Thankfully they all made it out and back home safely! 
Great pics Honz!
More great pics of their time together bird hunting!

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