Monday, October 31, 2022

Piper Lost her 1st Tooth!

Well my baby is officially not a baby anymore! Little Miss Piper lost her 1st baby tooth! Yeah! She's 5.5 yrs old! This is the earliest age we have had a child loose teeth over here! My older 2 are late bloomers! At this rate she will most likely pass Cash up! lol Wow! I just can't believe it! She told me a couple days before that her tooth hurt! When I would look I couldn't see anything! Well then she told me again her tooth hurt a couple days after and I could clearly see she was a shark! lol Her big tooth had popped through the gums behind the baby teeth! I told her to start wiggling the baby tooth in front and sure enough with in 30 mins Piper had her 1st baby tooth out! lol She has the tooth right next to it doing the same thing! She hasn't got that one out yet but should be very soon! She is truly the best! She was so excited and proud of herself! I was too! Big girl for sure! The tooth fairy came and surprised her with 3- $2 bills totaling $6! Wahoo! Love my big girl Piper so much!

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