Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day to our Favorite Dad!

Happy Father's Day to the one we call dad! He's our #1! He's all things incredible and amazing! He's such an example of the perfect dad! He has created the most amazing life for me and our 3 beautiful children! He loves our 3 kids with his whole heart and then some! We are the lucky ones for sure! He is the most hard working human I know! Always puts his family first! He makes us the happiest! He makes everything possible! We love him so much and couldn't live life with out him!
We got our #1 dad a few surprises! New golf shirts! New cologne! New bone color Nikes! Piper helped make daddy breakfast! The kids all made and wrote the sweetest cards to daddy! We love spoiling him and showing our love! He deserves everything!
It's been the best day! Cash and Piper sang in church with the primary for father's day! So cute! They did great! Such a beautiful father's day song! Chad's dad came into town for dinner! We always love getting to see him! We spoiled all the father's with yummy food at the Decker's! Jackie and I put on the father's day dinner for the dad's! They loved it! We had a great time visiting and just enjoying the amazing dad's! We love our daddy the most and so grateful to call him ours! He's truly a delight! We love you Honz! We hope you had a wonderful relaxing Father's Day! Thank you for making it all possible everyday for your little family!


Penny's FSY at UNLV!

My big girl was off again! She had girls camp last wk came home for 2 days and was off again for another full wk! This wk to FSY at UNLV! This was her first year going! FSY stands for- For the Strength of Youth! All wk youth in our church get to go and learn more about Christ! They get to fill the the spirit and really dive deeper into church studies! Youth from all over the states sign up for FSY! Penny absolutely loved it! She would call me every night and recap the whole day! So many spiritual moments! So many new friends! So many fun stories! So many memories made! She had an amazing week! We are truly blessed for this incredible opportunity for our youth! 
I signed Penny up for FSY back in Jan with her bestie and today was the day they got their dorm room together! Got her all checked in and settled into her new dorm for the week! She was so excited! 
She loved sharing a dorm room and spending the whole wk with Addie! These two have so much fun together!  Her other 2 bff's were also there! Addi and Kimber! She loved spending the wk with them too! The 4 of them were even put into the same group to study with! That was fun for Penny! My bestie Shayla's son Ethan and his cousins just happened to be on the same wk as Penny! She loved having the 3 boys there she already knew! 
She was already off to a great start loving her classes and meeting so many new friends! 
These pics were taken from Penny's digital camera she carries around! lol Too cute! 
Lot's of memories made! Amazing spiritual classes and devotionals! Fun activities with new friends! and all you can eat ice cream! lol Penny was having the best wk!
Lot's of boys chasing this one! lol We are in for it honz! Penny is so fun and such a beauty! lol Yikes! She said she was told the best pick up line yet! lol "Your name should be Dime not Penny.....because you are a 10 not a 1!" Get it! Her name is Penny! lol I was dead laughing when she told me this! We have told just about everyone cause it's so freakn funny! lol This boy was clever! So good! lol I had to put it in the blog so we never forget! lol Oh sweet Penny!!! Everyone loves you!!!
Wow! How a week goes fast! Penny did not want the week to come to an end! She truly had an incredible time! Spiritually fed! Amazing new friendships made! Memories to last a life time! She loved her counselor too! We have already connected with her on social media! lol Penny wants to keep in touch! She definitely left a lasting impression on Penny! Love this! She said she can't wait to go to FSY next year! We couldn't wait to pick her up! Man I can't live with out this one! My best friend! We all missed our Penny girl so much around the house too! We got her all picked up and took her to breakfast with bestie Shayla, her boy and cousins! 
Just because FSY ended that doesn't mean the FSY friends cant hang out! lol They kept their FSY going! lol Most of the group came and hung out at our house! Pizza and Games! Then they were off to the church dance to meet up with the rest of their new FSY friends! It was a packed full dance with so many kids from the city! Penny had a blast! They didn't want the fun to end! Looks like they will just have to get together again real soon! Great times! Great memories! Penny is definitely living her best life! I love it for her! 


Summer Fun Wk 3!

Another wk into our amazing summer! This is Summer Fun Wk 3! I love coming across selfies of the kids that they have taken on my own! lol Cash was back at golf lessons this wk! Piper back at gymnastics! and Penny was off again all week to FSY! Penny's FSY post will follow this one! It is its own post! lol Fresh cut for my Honz! Crafting and playing! and cute little Ruby already missing Penny! I caught her several times through out the wk in Penny's bed waiting for her to come home! Sweetest fur baby! 
We had  our favorites over for pool time! :) We love cousin Megan and she brought over  more cute cousins to play with the kids! We ate pizza and had yummy snow cones too! Such a fun day together making a splash! The kids had a blast!
Eddies at 11! You know we never miss our weekly Eddies together! Love seeing Ryan and the boys every wk for lunch! It's my highlight for sure! Went to the golf store for Honz and the kids had a blast putting and using the simulator! lol Cash is sure loving golfing! Piper had fun too trying to always keep up with big brother! 
You know we hit up Sky Zone a few times during the wk! lol It's been the best pass! Definitely get your money's worth when you become a member! This particular day the reginal manager caught us leaving and put us in a party room and fed us pizza,  chicken and drinks! Gave us additional jump time too! The kids were all so hyped! There's always incidents in the dodgeball and she was definitely spoiling us for another kids bad behavior and how he treated a couple of kids in our group! lol We were just so grateful and shocked with all the extra stuff she did for us to make us feel so special! Great customer service! 
We had dinner and ice cream a couple times this wk with Bestie Shayla and her kids! Friends over to swim! Hot tubing with daddy at night! More Sky Zone! Daddy taking Cash golfing to do a round of golf! We are loving our down time and play time! It was another amazing Summer fun wk! 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Zach Bryan Concert!

Summer Fun Wk 2 continues! lol Zach Bryan we are coming for you!!! lol For Penny's 8th grade graduation we surprised her with tickets to  see Zach Bryan in Concert! She loves his music and wanted to see him live for a long time! So Zach Bryan here we come! We got all  glammed up  and we were off! Might I add that Penny rolled in from girls camp at 5:25pm! lol Concert started at 7pm! So she was in a mad dash to get herself all glammed up and then we were off! We saw so many friends and even my nephew Chance! I tried to snag as many  pics as I could of all the friends! Some were on the move and it was too hard to get the pic but you know me I'm always trying to get the pics! lol 
Holy Moly Amazing Concert! Zach Bryan is life! His voice! His presence! His concert! We loved it! He is so freakn good live! I did get the pic with Jenna our cute nail girl and cute cousin Brynlee! So fun to see them and they were sitting close to us too! :) and of course got the pic when we saw Brigham! These 2 know how to take a pic together! lol :) It was so fun to see so many peeps! It was the happening place to be on a Friday night for sure!
Loved every moment of being with my Penny girl! She is so fun at concerts! Singing from the top of our lungs! Dancing! and Screaming! We had a freakn blast! An epic time together! She's my concert going queen! These are the pics I screenshotted from the videos I got of her singing and living her best life! By the end of the night she was absolutely exhausted and slept the whole way home and into noon the next day coming off girls camp and heading straight to the concert! Definitely worth it! Words from Zach himself-  "The will be the Best Friday night ever!" and it was! A night we will never forget! Thanks Zach Bryan you are incredible! 


Performing Piper!

Oh my my my! I love this face! Along with all the other Summer Fun Wk 2 things Piper had her last 2 end of year performances for Singers Company! She absolutely loves being on stage! She literally sings anything loud all day everyday! lol She also loves getting all dolled up! Loves getting her makeup done and hair curled! She is so dang cute! 
Here's the pics I snapped from her first performance at the Legacy Retirement Home! She did amazing! My little star! 
Here's the pics we took after ehr first performance! Love her so much! Daddy of course brought her flowers! She was so excited! 
Here's the pics from her 2nd performance for friends and family! She nailed it again! 
We have always been big fans of Singers Company! Penny performed for years! We sure love Mrs. Janae and Miss. Taia! Loved watching my baby perform! Just love her so much! Taking right after big sis! :) My heart is happy!


Penny and Powell!

Summer Fun wk 2 also consisted of girls camp for Penny! Lake Powell Yw Girls Camp 2024! Wow! Penny left middle of the week Wed until Friday! Way to long away from me with no service! I realized I can not live without this Penny of mine! She is such a light and sunshine and I missed her so much all week! She however had a blast! The most amazing time at Lake Powell and wants to go back! She loved being with her leaders and friends! 
So many spiritual and building testimony moments! She had an incredible time!
Wake surfing! She did it! She has only waked surf one other time and that was last year! So proud of her and so proud that she actually tried! Way to go Penny!
I am so grateful for all the leaders for their time in planning an incredible girls camp! Penny will never forget her Lake Powell Girls Camp on an amazing beautiful house boat! I can't say thank you enough for a lasting memory for Penny! 

Summer Fun Wk 2!

Coming into Summer Fun wk 2! Gym with Penny! We are on a roll! Golf for Cashy! Little Ruby loving us around during summer  time! and the best time of the wk is Eddies @ 11 with my Brother! 
Lots of Sky Zone! We got the summer pass and we are using it! We love that we have amazing fun friends to meet there to! Makes the 2hr jump session go by fast! We even saw Mrs. McIntyre! My kids pre-k teacher! We lover her so much! Piper and Cash were so excited to see her! Hopefully we can go next wk with out Piper getting hurt! The 1st day going last wk she tried doing a flip off the slide like how Cash does and she tucked her head down to soon and skinned her face and bit her lip! This wk she was following Cash (to close always) jumping from rope to rope and his rope came back and hit her in the eye! She's got a black eye! :( poor baby! Always trying to keep up with her wild brother and she is always the one to get hurt! lol That doesn't stop them from having fun and wanting to go back even banged up and bruised! lol
Hanging with friends into the late night and every night for Penny! Cash and Piper enjoying the pool! Pickleball with the bff Decker's!
Getting Dental cleanings checked off our list! All smiles when we get to see Auntie Dr. Joanna! She is absolutely amazing and my kids love to see their dentist! Penny missed getting her cleaning cause she was off to Girls campo this wk! Separate post to come just for Penny's girls camp! :)
More summer fun wk 2! Chance went to the temple! Once step closer to becoming Elder Ence and heading off on his mission to Baton Rouge , Louisiana! So proud of my #1! He is an amazing example to my kids! Such a sweet boy! My ray of sunshine! Pure joy and all smiles coming out of the temple! It was an amazing morning together! He will be and outstanding missionary!
Sunday Fun day! and our last nail day with Jenna! She will be heading off on her mission too! She will be serving in Idaho! She is absolutely amazing at nails and we have loves getting them done by her! She has been the only one to get my nails to grow without tips! I really never thought I could ever grow them! She will be greatly missed but I know she will do amazing things on her mission! So proud of her! See you in a year and half and we will be back getting our nails done very soon! lol The other 2 pics are from Piper's Singers Company performances! Separate post to  follow! We have had a fun busy week! 


Monday, June 3, 2024

Carrie Underwood!

This was the highlight for Summer Fun wk 1! I of course took too many pics so it needed it's own post!! lol When you school offers you free tickets you must go and invite your besties to come out and party with you!! Carrie Underwood Concert! Wahoo! This was Piper's 1st concert! :)  She was so freakn excited to go! She did great too! Stayed awake and an absolutely loved it all! She loved the costume changes! The ring and silk dancers from the roof! and all the lights! Penny of course sang her little heart out and danced! I loved it too! I have been wanting to see her show for a while! She is incredible! Such an amazing performer! We had a freakn blast! Loved seeing lots of my work friends too! and of course Loved being with my girls and my besties! Such an awesome fun night out of the town together!
They were just too cute in their country get up to not have a mini photoshoot! lol Boy do I love my girls! So beautiful and full of life!
These are the pics we took duuring the show! Penny saw some of her cute church friends too! That was fun! Had to snag a pic! lol
More pics during the show! Such an incredible show!!! She's got some vocals for sure! Amazing!
Now that's a wrap for Summer Fun wk 1! lol Carrie Underwood you did not disappoint! Thanks bestie ladies for coming out and partying with me! Always an amazing time together!


Summer Fun Wk 1!

We are off to a great start of our Summer! I have decided to blog each week since each week is packed full of all the summer fun! Here is Summer fun wk 1! Penny and I are back at the gym! Wahoo! We have been loving our girl time together! Eddies at 11 is back with my brother! Yessssss! Love my weekly lunch dates with him the boys! Cash had one of his favorite besties in town all week! Zorin! He's my next door neighbors grandson and him and Cash have the best time! We even had a mid week date night with our bff Decker's! Oh and cute Ruby basking in the sun like a cat! lol I have also  enjoyed sitting poolside while the kids play!  
All the hang outs in 1 wk for Penny! She is living her best life! She even had one of her cruise besties come into town from Utah for a quick visit so Penny rounded up the rest of the cruise friends in town so they could all hang out together! Lots of scooter riding! Golf cart riding! Slime makes! Party city shopping! and House hopping! She will be gone for the next 3 wks with girls camp, fsy and zions youth so she has had to get in all the friend hang outs before she leaves! 
Picked up a Sky Zone membership for the summer! So you will be seeing a ton of jump photos this summer! Here's day one! The kids of course had a blast! Doing all their tricks!
Honz showed up with a boat! lol This boat has been in the family for quite sometime so Honz is trying to get it up and running so we all can enjoy it! It's a beauty! Kids are hyped! Dinner at the Club with the bff Facers! Such an enjoyable lovely night! We sat outside to enjoy the beautiful weather and view of the golf course while we ate and visited! Bailey and Luke surprised us!!! It was Bailey's birthday weekend! We met up for lunch and had a wonderful time! I love that she always connects with us when she gets into town! We sure love them both so mich! 

Back at Sky Zone! We found our friends there too! The Johnson's had he summer pass and the Hilsabeck's just got theirs since we had one! lol Yay for fun and jumping with our favorite people! They had a blast and jumped for the 2 solid hours! lol We usually don't last that long but when your having fun you don't even know where the time goes! lol
Spy Ninja! This place is freakn awesome! Cash got invited to his friends birthday party there! So much to do and very reasonable prcing! Must wear closed toes shoes for most of the stuff so keep that in mind! Ropes course! Rock climbing! Jump area- you have to use their socks! Dodge ball! Axe throwing! Laser tag! Escape rooms! Fruit chopping wars! and an Arcade! Really nice lounge areas for the parents too! They have thought of it all! Super cool! You will spend hours here so keep that in mind! Hours! lol I will definitely be bringing all my kids back to play! 
Can you believe that's only summer fun wk 1! lol Let's go! Bring on the Summer fun!