Sunday, June 9, 2024

Summer Fun Wk 2!

Coming into Summer Fun wk 2! Gym with Penny! We are on a roll! Golf for Cashy! Little Ruby loving us around during summer  time! and the best time of the wk is Eddies @ 11 with my Brother! 
Lots of Sky Zone! We got the summer pass and we are using it! We love that we have amazing fun friends to meet there to! Makes the 2hr jump session go by fast! We even saw Mrs. McIntyre! My kids pre-k teacher! We lover her so much! Piper and Cash were so excited to see her! Hopefully we can go next wk with out Piper getting hurt! The 1st day going last wk she tried doing a flip off the slide like how Cash does and she tucked her head down to soon and skinned her face and bit her lip! This wk she was following Cash (to close always) jumping from rope to rope and his rope came back and hit her in the eye! She's got a black eye! :( poor baby! Always trying to keep up with her wild brother and she is always the one to get hurt! lol That doesn't stop them from having fun and wanting to go back even banged up and bruised! lol
Hanging with friends into the late night and every night for Penny! Cash and Piper enjoying the pool! Pickleball with the bff Decker's!
Getting Dental cleanings checked off our list! All smiles when we get to see Auntie Dr. Joanna! She is absolutely amazing and my kids love to see their dentist! Penny missed getting her cleaning cause she was off to Girls campo this wk! Separate post to come just for Penny's girls camp! :)
More summer fun wk 2! Chance went to the temple! Once step closer to becoming Elder Ence and heading off on his mission to Baton Rouge , Louisiana! So proud of my #1! He is an amazing example to my kids! Such a sweet boy! My ray of sunshine! Pure joy and all smiles coming out of the temple! It was an amazing morning together! He will be and outstanding missionary!
Sunday Fun day! and our last nail day with Jenna! She will be heading off on her mission too! She will be serving in Idaho! She is absolutely amazing at nails and we have loves getting them done by her! She has been the only one to get my nails to grow without tips! I really never thought I could ever grow them! She will be greatly missed but I know she will do amazing things on her mission! So proud of her! See you in a year and half and we will be back getting our nails done very soon! lol The other 2 pics are from Piper's Singers Company performances! Separate post to  follow! We have had a fun busy week! 


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