Sunday, June 9, 2024

Performing Piper!

Oh my my my! I love this face! Along with all the other Summer Fun Wk 2 things Piper had her last 2 end of year performances for Singers Company! She absolutely loves being on stage! She literally sings anything loud all day everyday! lol She also loves getting all dolled up! Loves getting her makeup done and hair curled! She is so dang cute! 
Here's the pics I snapped from her first performance at the Legacy Retirement Home! She did amazing! My little star! 
Here's the pics we took after ehr first performance! Love her so much! Daddy of course brought her flowers! She was so excited! 
Here's the pics from her 2nd performance for friends and family! She nailed it again! 
We have always been big fans of Singers Company! Penny performed for years! We sure love Mrs. Janae and Miss. Taia! Loved watching my baby perform! Just love her so much! Taking right after big sis! :) My heart is happy!


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