Sunday, August 18, 2024

1st Day of School!!

Back to school here we go!!! Starting with the youngest to oldest!!! Cutest little Piper is off to 2nd grade!!! Can't believe it! Her teacher is Mrs.  Simpson! Piper already loves her so much and so excited for her class o f friends! She started 2nd grade with glasses! To be worn in the classroom for now! Sweet baby gets an extra accessory just like her mama! It's going to be a great year! Can't wait to see all that she does her 2nd grade year! Let's goooooo Piper! 
Back to the grind for this one!! My #1 son!!! Cashy is off to 5th grade!! Say what!! Ruling the school! lol He has 2 team teachers this year! Homeroom Mrs.  Alessi and will rotate into Mr. Gaastra! It's going to be his best year yet! He's so excited for his 2 teachers!! They are amazing!! He's hyped being in 5th grade!! Let's goooooo Cashy money!! You got this!
Off before the sun was up!!! Penny is off to seminary at 5:45am every day then to school by 7am! She starting the day with Jesus and I couldn't  be more proud!! Penny is heading into her 9th grade year as a Freshmen at Arbor View High School! This is a new school for her!! She chose to leave Somerset and do her high school years at "big kid" school is what I call it lol.... at Arbor View! Spread your wings and fly! She has been pumped up  and ready to go! She actually started weeks before doing student council and loves it! Penny is already starting 9th grade as the Vice President of her Freshmen Class!  Wahoo! Way to go Penny! You are already knocking down those doors ready for the best 4 years of you life!! Bring on High School! Let's gooooo Penny!
Let's not forget about me! lol I'm off for my 3rd year as the SPED IA for Somerset Sky Pointe! I absolutely love my job! Love being at the school with my 2 littles! Loving being in the know and the behind the scenes! Love my co-workers! I'm super excited for the new year to begin! Let's goooo Mrs. Emylee! :)
Here's some fun pics of Cashy and Piper on their first day of school at the school! Pics with their new teachers! 
Meanwhile over at Arbor Penny is having a blast! Love that she gets to send me pics during the day at school! I also take my lunch late so I can pick her up from school and get her home! It's the best to catch up real fast on how the day went then I head back to work! It has worked out perfectly doing this! On the 1st day I asked her what is your favorite class and she said Seminary! Awe! Love you! Love her love for Jesus and her willingness to dive in deeper to learn more about our Savior! As for regular school classes she said she also loves Stuco and Film Studies cause her bestie is in that class! lol Her Freshmen  year is off to a great start! Keep it up Penny! So proud!
I of course am living my best life! Wore blisters and had swollen feet! lol Here's my first wk back!! Already team dressing up and always snapping pics! Love these ladies I work with! They are an absolute blast and make it so fun to go to work!!! Love seeing all my old and  new students too! It's going to be a great year! I can feel it! 

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