Monday, August 5, 2024

Summer Fun Wk 10!

Here we are Summer Fun Wk 10! As the summer gets close to coming to an end that just means we hit the last couple weeks with all the fun and excitement! lol We had 1 day left at Sky Zone for the summer! You know the kids played hard there! Cash has perfected his back flip and shoots off super high to almost get 2 front flips coming off the slide! lol Wild child! We sure have enjoyed Sky Zone and definitely got our moneys worth! lol
Play dates and hang outs continue! Cash even started back at school this wk with his Jr Lighthouse meetings! He loves being a leader at his school! Way to go Cashy! 
Penny still killing it over her! Busy working all week with Lucky Links and nails! She loves making people  feel good about themselves! Pampering! She even did a his and hers matching bracelet set for our bffffffffff's! How cute is that?! So boys can get permanent jewelry too! lol :) She's very ambitious! 
Eddie's at 11 with my brother and a surprise visit with Auntie Em! That was so fun she came to surprise us for lunch! This was most likly our last Eddies for the summer since I go back to work next wk! Had a wonderful time visiting! Penny finished her last StuCo wk with a bang before school starts! She reports the halls are ready for the new year!!!! Wahoo! She has been working hard every morning for 4hrs at the school for the last 3 wks! Getting the school ready for the students and new year to start! She has loved it! Weekly pics of Ruby! Love my fur baby! Penny cooking! She made homemade enchiladas for the first time! They were delicious! I love that she loves to cook! She definitely doesn't get that from me! lol Pickleball at Bff Decker's! and both kinds of pool! lol
Piper has been on spa kick this wk! lol She's so fun! 
Used our Pogo pass and went to an Aviators game with our Bestie Hilasbeck's! Wahoo! We had a blast! Beautiful weather once the sun set! It cooled right down! 
More pics from the game! Cash ended up getting 2 balls from the pitchers warming up! He was so excited! 
We had such an incredible time with our besties! New hats for Cashy and I too! lol I have been on a hat kick too! Love it! After the game we grabbed ice cream together! Love making memories with the Hilsabeck's! They are such a good time! 
Oh don't worry we squeezed in Cowabunga Canyon this wk too! lol We had tickets on our pogo passes and we had to use them before we were all back to work and school! Of course the kids had a blast! We all had a blast!
Ended up running into Chad's cousin - Jill! It was so fun to catch up! The kids had a blast with cousin Ethan too! Beautiful day with Beautiful people! And love checking things off our pogo passes! lol Summer time is the way to do it! lol I'm definitely wearing out my bestie Shayla! lol I never want the fun to end! lol More posts to come for Summer Fun Wk 10! This is just the start! lol

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