Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Aggie Round Up!

Aggie Round up for Penny!!! Her 9th grade year! Here it all begins! Once an Aggie always an Aggie! Can't believe she is starting her Freshman year! So wild how fast time goes!! Love this leader of ours! Penny was elected as the Vice President of the Freshmen Year! Way to go Penny! Nothing like entering High school with a bang! Making a name for your self! So very proud of you!!! You are unstoppable! 
We had a ton of fun at the Aggie Round up! Paid all her course fees! Why did it seem like that every class she's taking as a 9th grader there was a few! lol Penny walked us around to  find all her class rooms! Loved walking the halls and seeing all the posters her and the Stuco made! Giant life size posters! So many of the them! They covered the walls! They worked hard this summer to be ready! It looked great! So much school spirit and pride! Love it! Bring on 9th grade Penny is ready!!! Go Aggies Go!

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