Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Summer Fun Wk 11!

Here we are the last week of summer! WOW that went by fast!!! Summer fun wk 11 was also Cash's Birthday wk and Honz and I 16th year Anniversary! Separate posts to follow!!! For my last wk of summer I went back to work!!! We start a wk earlier then the students!! We did a retreat up at Mt Charleston for our first day! Team bonding is the best! It was so much fun to see everyone!! Love my work friends! The rest of the wk we got our rooms ready and had lots of meetings! We are ready to go!!
Was able to squeeze in a little fun for the kids! lol Took them to the movie with our Besties! 
Picked up Piper's cutest glasses!! We are twinning with our clear glasses! Love it!!!  She is just the best! Such a good girl and has been so responsible! Can't believe we have 1 glasses wearer out of all our kids!!! She's such a good sport! Has such a great attitude about wearing them! 
Bachelorette nights with bff Facers! Lot's of scooter rides to friends houses! and StuCo friend hang outs before working the Aggie round up! Separate post to follow! :)
Penny busy booking permanent bracelet appts and hanging with her fave boy! Piper having a blast at her bestie Emmy's bday party! Honz cutting Cash's sides so he was looking fresh for the 1st day of school!
Little Ruby as perfect as always! lol and last min hang outs for the last nights of summer! Wow wk 11 went fast!!! The biggest thing for me was trying to balance going back to work, anniversary, Cash birthday wk, all the back to school events  for the kids, and still creating as much fun with  and for them before we were  all back to school/work! Separate posts for Anniversary! School meet and great! and Cash's Birthday fun! Summer that's a wrap! We had way too much fun creating all the memories!


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