Monday, May 15, 2023

Field Day Fun for Cash and Piper!

Field day success! The kids look forward to this day all year long! lol It was Piper and I first field day! I love working at the school for fun days like this! This was the first time I saw and got to be apart of the field day production! lol It was a blast! It was a beautiful day to get soaking wet!! The kids had an absolute blast! Non stop fun! Station to Station!
Here's pics of Piper living it up! She is so much fun! Loves her friends and had the best day! 
Cash is a pro at field day! lol He loves this day! To run wild and free and get soaking wet! He say's sign me up! lol He had so much fun! Loved watching both Cash and Piper just play and have such a great day! 
Then middle school gets out! lol Penny came over minding her own business and all the boys that are staff kids completely ambushed her! Drenched her! Soaking wet! Head to toe! Poor thing! She was screaming and trying to run away! She is not much of a fighter! lol They got her good! I felt so bad but she was a great sport! Silly boys!!! Ugh! lol She was not planning on  getting wet and had no dry extra clothes! lol She will be much better prepared next year! Bring it on  Boys!!

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