Monday, May 15, 2023

Penny's Studio To Stage Showcase Performance!

Oh what a night! My biggest joy is when I get to hear Penny sing and watch her light up the stage! She is truly magical to watch perform! She knocked it out of the park at her Studio to Stage Showcase Performance! She sang 2 songs! Killed it up there! She's so captivating! Draws you right in when she sings! Her voice will stop you in your tracks! Love! Love! Love her so much! Lover her confidence! She is calm! She is brave! She is amazing! She is beautiful inside and out! 
Here's her action shots of her singing her 2 songs! First song was "Rainbow!" It's a cute little country song! She loves country! She did so  amazing! Her voice is so warm and rich! Outstanding! Her 2nd song was "Hopelessly Devoted To You" from the movie Greece! Holy Moly! Nailed it! So Amazing!! She just  makes me so proud  to be her mama! If you have Facebook I have posted the 2 videos of her singing the songs at the showcase! It's a must listen too if you have the time! She did not disappoint! Love how she just gets up there and sings! Her nerves never get in the way! 
Her little fan club! We are always so excited to see little Miss Penny on stage! Cash and Piper love when she performs! I usually have to remind Piper to not sing along when Penny's up on stage performing! lol We are HUGE Penny Fans! We love her vocal coach Lila so much! She is absolutely outstanding! She has trained and coached Penny since she was 7yrs old! You can tell when Penny steps on stage she is captivating and amazing! Thank you Lila!! We love you Penny so much!! Keep shining


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