Saturday, May 20, 2023

Piper's End of Year Fun!

Piper's been having Fun over here too! lol Can't believe her Kindergarten year is rapidly approaching the end! Holy Moly! My baby! These pics are from all her party fun this week!! Ms. Pam did a popsicle dance party! She had so much fun!!! Piper got hot lunch for the 1st time! lol She was so excited to tell me when I popped in to say "Hi" at lunch! lol Piper and I also went to a new program training class! She had so much fun playing the learning games! 
She also had her Graduation Party and Awards program! Thank you to Gio's and Isla's families for putting on the most amazing graduation party ever! The kids had a blast! They were all so surprised! The décor! The photo booth! The games! The food and treats! It was an absolute amazing grad party! She even got an extra special gift from one of the boys that "loves" her! lol A barbie set!! Thank you cutest Gio! You are too sweet to Piper! She was so excited!
Awards!!! Piper received the Classroom Tech Genius Award! She is Mrs. Mourra's biggest helper when it comes to Techy things! She loves to help and be the leader! She also got straight A's for the quarter! Yay! Way to go!!! So proud of my Piper! She has had the best Kinder teacher ever! Mrs. Mourra is absolutely amazing! She has been so wonderful to my sweet little Piper! Piper had learned so much and reading so good! Wahoo!!! Can't believe she is headed off to 1st grade!!! Cant' wait to see what she will do next! We are rooting you on! Love you Piper so much! 1st Grade here you come!

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