Sunday, November 26, 2023

The rest of November!

November flew by.... Prob the fastest month this year! Can't believe it! Here's is the rest of our November fun!! Penny had a beautiful New Beginnings YW night! Love the YW leaders for Penny! She is truly blessed to be surrounded by such amazing leaders! The yw presidency reserved the Gilcrease Orchard for this special night! Their inspo was spot on! Daughter of a King! It was such a powerful beautiful evening! Penny was asked to speak and she also sang with all the yw at the end! She did both beautifully! Love my Penny girl so much! She is truly a beautiful daughter of a King! 
Piper lost another tooth! This time it as her front one! Yay! Love my toothless baby! She is growing up too fast! She also wrote the cutest essay on what she is thankful for! Her mom and her bff neighbor Jackie from across the street! lol She even drew a pic of me and Jackie matching in leopard shopping with Piper to get surprises! lol Love her so much! She has the cutest class too! Her friend Elise gave everyone in their class an advent calendar! Piper was so excited for this! lol
My Cashy!!! He finally got his perm! lol He was been asking for one since September and we finally coordinated with my bestie's husband to get it done!! He was so hyped! Curls for the Girls! lol I guess that's what the teens say! lol Cash just laughs! He is super excited about it! We will see how it holds up! This is the first time his hair has had anything done to it! 
Fun pics of friends and church selfies! 
Honz did some golfing! Ry and I made time for Eddie's at 11! lol 
Fun shopping at DTS with my bestie Shayla! While we  were out shopping we found Cash his new basketball shoes! I love that he's my flashy boy!!! They are straight metallic gold! He's going to be looking fly while he plays hard on the court! Cash Money Let's Gooooooo! lol

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