Sunday, February 4, 2024

Leader In Me and White Letter Ceremony!

Cash is rocking 4th grade! This has been his most accomplished year so far! lol All his hard work and grind is paying off! Along with being awarded Team Captain of his School Comp Basketball Team... Cash was  selected from his 4th grade class to represent the school and be a Jr Lighthouse member! Wahoo!!! So  proud of my boy! He has filled out the application every year! His dedication and not giving up has paid off! He is such an amazing leader! He can't wait to be a Jr Lighthouse member! He definitely can't wait to be a Leader to his peers and represent his school! Way to go Cashy!!!
Also recently Cash was invited to the White Letter Ceremony put on by our amazing High school and middle school admin! Cash was first pulled from his class and given a special invitation to come out to  the the Awards Ceremony! He couldn't wait to get dressed up and go to his special ceremony! He was honored and received his Sky Pointe White Letter and a Certificate for his straight A's.! Wahoo! Way to go! In order to qualify you have to maintain a 3.7 GPA or higher for 3 consecutive semesters! His hard work has paid off! He loves school and enjoys learning! He absolutely loves his teacher this year, Mrs. Skelton! He is excelling! Soooooo Proud of my Cashy boy! You're doing it! Rocking 4th grade! Keep it up! Love you so much Cashy!

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