Thursday, May 2, 2024

April Monthly Pics!

Here's the rest of April! Such a fun Birthday month! lol It's been a busy month for sure! Starting with Cashy! We put Cash in private Golf lessons and he is loving it! He is perfecting his game! lol He lost a tooth! He is my late bloomer on the teeth like Penny was! lol Piper for sure will catch up to him! lol Love my sweet wild Cashy Boy!
Penny! She had a fun month too! Lol Church dances! Volleyball games with besties! Doing our nails! She's getting good!! :) She won a contest at school and was awarded $50! She was hyped about that!! Stopped by her new Highschool! Say what!!Can't believe she's going to be a  freshman!!!
Piper! She was published in a 1st grade book for a picture and a  writing piece! Way to go! So proud of her!!! Matching shoes at school with her friends! She got invited to a Swiftie party for the new album drop from her bff Elyse! She had a blast!!!! 
Me! Honz! Ruby! Selfie time! lol
Ortho with the best Dr in town! We love you Auntie! Mission shopping with my nephew Chance! Loved being with him, Ryan and Em to get his new mission suit and shoes! Sunday Funday pic with Mav! and Honz and I even snuck in a Temple date! 
Grandma DeeDee retired!! Congrats!!!We celebrated her and all successes! Such an amazing lady! We are so happy for her next chapter! Next up Cashy with his girlie besties! He's been having so much fun with Jacey! They are 2 peas in a pod! Love it!
Last collage my work besties! I love these humans! We enjoyed an amazing Taco Crawl! So much laughter and always amazing food! No matter where we are at we are having fun! These ladies are a hoot! We also celebrated my sunshine sister Tina's birthday! We dressed in Disney in honor of her! She loves all things Disney! Love it! and then can't forget my awesome hallway quiet sign! Zip it!!! lol The kids love it! I do too! lol
Another amazing month has come and gone! I know I say this every month but man does time fly and especially when you're having fun!!!! 


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