Sunday, May 12, 2024

Penny's Weekend of Fun!

Well the weekend came and I  was still sick in bed! So bummed because I had Justin Timberlake concert to go to but sadly due to my illness stuck in bed Penny got to go in place for me! She loved it! She said she only new 1 song! lol The Trolls song! lol But she had a blast dancing and he was incredible! Well I guess I'm old! I know all of his music! lol I have wanted to see him in concert my whole life and I guess I get to keep waiting to go! lol Next time he comes back! lol I'm so happy Penny went in my place! Jackie and Kaylee had a blast with her! Yay for a fun night for these 3! Then Saturday Penny showed her support to all her friends that performed in the school dance showcase! Penny loved watching her friends! They danced amazingly! I was bummed I was still too sick to go! I love showing all the support to all  Penny's friends too!  After the performance she met up with more friends and hung out the rest of the night! Penny had an awesomely fun weekend! I always want my kids to live their best life! Penny was living it this weekend for sure!

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