Sunday, May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's day to all!! Sadly I continued to be sick in bed coming into Mothers Day! Dang it! I was able to get to my Dr and get on meds on Friday so I'm hoping to be on the mend! Each day I'll get a little better! Rt? Rt?! lol That's what I keep telling myself! With being under the weather it's been a wonderful Mother's Day because these 3 that made me a mom know how to love me and take care of me! But a huge shout out goes to Mr. Mom Honz! He has to play both roles  mom and dad, take care of me, and still hold the fort down at work and has done it all with a smile! He loves us unconditionally! He's the best thing that has ever happened to me! So he also gets the Mother's day shout out too! lol I didn't make it into 1 pic today but I was able to capture the ones that made me a MOM!! My 3 babies! They are my world! I live, breath, and would die for these humans! Mommin can be rough! Some days I don't even know if I'm doing it right but they keep me going! lol They bring me so much joy, laughter and love! My world is complete with these 3 little angels! Penny! Cash! Piper! You make me the proudest and happiest mom ever! Thank you!

These 3 little cuties absolutely spoiled me all day! Flowers! Homemade cards, bags, notes! Breakfast in bed with my meds on their mother's day plates they made me a few years ago! lol They are truly the greatest! They cleaned the house! Even helped me redecorate for summer! It's been a wonderful lovely Mother's Day! I love being their mama! 
Before getting so sick Piper had her Mother's Day program at school! It was so much fun! She sang the cutest songs and really put on a show for me! Then back in her classroom Mrs. Hays had more Mother's Day fun planned for us moms! More singing! Cute little writings about each of their moms! Then they served us treats and lemonade! Love my baby! She's getting to big though! We even matched in our purple too! That was fun! My greatest joy in life....being their Mama! Happy Mother's Day to all!

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