Tuesday, May 21, 2024

End of Year Awards!!!

You did it Cashy! You have completed 4th grade with flying colors!!! Cash received 4 Awards and a metal! Wahoo! So proud of this #1 boy of mine! He has worked hard all year and has had one of his best years yet! He truly succeeded!! He crushed it! Your hard work has paid off!
He couldn't wait to get Mrs. Skelton for his 4th grade teacher and just like that 4th grade year is over! So crazy how fast this year went by! He had an amazing year with Mrs. Skelton! She truly is an incredible teacher and I'm so lucky that both Penny and Cash have had her as their 4th grade teacher! She is tough and she pushes the kids to excel! Cash continued to maintained his A-B grades and had a very successful year! Wahoo! Can't believe he is off to 5th grade! The top of the school now! Omg!!!
My baby!!! You did it! 1st grade is in the books! Piper has grown so much this year! Went from reading level low to way above and beyond reading level for 1st grade! Wahoo! She is  non stop reading everything she sees! She is such a good little writer too! Love the sweet little notes she constantly surprising me with! We have loved her teacher Mrs. Hays! She did an amazing job with building Piper's foundation and so much growth! We also loved Piper's burst teacher Mrs. Wells! She helped Piper decode words and sounds and man did it work!!! I'm extremely proud of Piper's hard work! Piper received 2 awards at her awards assembly! Wahoo! Way to go! 
Love this little face! Can't believe she is off to 2nd grade! It seems as though Cash was just in 2nd grade and now my baby is! Wow! We can't wait to see what next year has in store for you!!!


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