Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Newport Beach -Memorial Weekend!

Schools out and we were ready to kick off summer at the beach! We couldn't wait to get that sand between our toes! lol We all have had an amazing school year but so ready for summer! Nothing better than starting our summer off at Newport Beach! First stop was Sgt. Pepp's Pizza! Delicious! This is one of our most favorite stops to eat in Cali! Our beach crew is growing!!  This trip we had Bestie Shayla and her amazing family come down with us! We have the best times with this awesome family! We couldn't wait to spend the long weekend together! 
So here is the rest of Day 1- Thursday! Got settled into our new beach house! It was absolutely amazing! So spacious! We are so booking this beach house again! Went for Ice Cream at our favorite America's Cup! Then sat by a fire with bff Mel and visited way into the late night! lol Mel and her family along with her friends were  staying a few houses down from us across the street in a beautiful home too! We love our beach family friends! 
Day 2: Friday! Chad was up super early and off to golf!! His happy place! He had an amazing morning and met up with us on the beach around 10am! Meanwhile Piper's just over here doing all her tricks in the sand! lol Love her! Cash played non stop with his besties the blitz ball! Super fun baseball game for the sand! We were off to an amazing start to our long Memorial weekend! 
Walked over to the Donut shop and got our breakfast and just enjoyed the beautiful beach! It was a bit chili! Cloud coverage for most the day and that ocean breeze! We were fully clothed for the majority of the day! lol
Oh! There's Penny! Hanging with the teens keeps her busy! lol She slept in too! She's always living her best life! I want nothing more then that for all my kids! Living their best life! :)
So many pics each day! lol I just can't help myself! lol Lot's of kids a playing all day! Love my family! Basically the whole spring break cruise crew and added the Hilsabeck's to it! So a huge group all weekend long! So much fun!
Just a relaxing and chatting all day! 
The best times! 
Cash had so much fun with blitz ball that he got hit in the face! Poor little dude got himself a huge fat lip! That didn't stop him from playing! lol Put some ice on his lip  for a bit and then he was off playing! Loving the cheer stunts too! 
Dinner we ate at Pick up Stix another favorite by all! and of course we ended with America's cup for ice cream! Wahoo! Once we got back to our house we went to cousin Megan's to get permanent jewelry done! So much fun! The girls and I all got matching heart bracelets! Piper and I also got anklets! So dainty! So pretty! Love that it stays on too! Thanks Megan! We love our new drip! lol
Day 3: Saturday! Chad was off early golfing again! He had a wonderful morning! The kids and I were back down at the beach! Having a wonderful morning as well! :)
Getting a pic of my 3 cuties and a family pic can be challenging when these  3 are off having so much fun running in all different directions! lol But I got it! It took some work but I got mu pics! lol
More playing! Digging! Talking! Laughing! and a ton of Picture taking! lol
It was a beautiful day! The sun came out to play all day! Yay! 
Take me out to the ballgame! We went to an Angels Baseball game! Wahoo! Love me some baseball, especially MLB! We were all decked out in our Angels gear!
Perfect weather for the game! It was a good game too! Angels lost but we still had blast cheering them on and eating a ton! lol Stadium food is the best food! lol
Ended the game with a huge beautiful firework show! and even a county concert! We didn't stay through the whole concert but it was super cool to see a concert playing right out on the field! Stopped in for some ice cream before getting home! Another amazing day in the books! 
Day 4: Sunday! A pic of our new favorite beach  house!! It was spacious and perfect for us! Love our pic in front of it! We did our annual stop at the swap meet!  We find the best things for dirt cheap! Cash even got himself  a new drip rope chain! lol Love it! Then J took us to the most amazing Mexican grocery store! It was like a Mexican farmers market! Taco stands! Churro stands! Bread stands! Fresh salsa and guacamole stands! Homemade chips stand! It was insane and our new favorite stop! We must go there every beach trip! So awesome! Delicious food! Mexican is my favorite food anyway so I was in heaven! :)
Back to the beach! Sun was out shining! It was a tad bit cold with the breeze but that didn't stop the kids from having fun in the sun! 
Then took the teens shopping at the mall! You can always get me to take the teens anywhere especially if its shopping! lol We went down to Huntington Beach to shop! It was fun! They found some fun things! Then back to the beach! 
Cash was the master digger! He dug a huge deep hole with his besties! It was taller than him! Of course he filled it back in at the end of the day! Don't' want anyone getting hurt! Piper had a blast hunting sand crabs! She loves all the creatures! lol
Sunset Beach pics!! Our last day on the beach! We enjoyed the beautiful sunset! It was super cold thought! That sea breeze can get cold! We were bundled up and loving our life! 
Love this family of mine! Love all my besties and bff's we call family! This is just a small portion we snagged for the pic that were hanging around watching the sunset with us! Love my people! We had an amazing memorial weekend together making lasting memories! 
Love my Penny pie! She loves a good sunset photo shoot! 
Day 5: Monday! All good things must come to an end! NOOOOOO! lol! We did not want our beach trip to end! We stopped one last time to our favorite donut shop! We also stopped one last time so Penny could get her Banzai Bowl! She loves the acai bowls so much and Banzai Bowl has the best ones! Then we were off to head back home! Of course I don't like the party to ever end so we stopped at chick fil a with the bff Facers in Vegas! lol Never want the fun to end! lol 
We had an amazing vaca! The perfect end of school year kick off to summer fun! Love my people! Love the memories we make! Love our traditions! See you soon New Port!!


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